

Active Member
in the description for everyone of their dottybacks it says that there should be only one of that species in the tank, eg. one fridmani or one neon dottyback. what i'm wondering is can more than one dottyback be kept in a tank of different species, i.e. can you have one fridmani and one neon dottyback? or is that asking for trouble :)


From my experience if you have a dottyback, any fish similiar in shape and size will be harassed. My purpleback is the king of the tank. Only fish it gets along with is the lemonpeel that was added when he was put in. I'm in the process of trying to catch him and moved himto another tank, so that I can add other fisn to the reef tank.


Active Member
ah, sounds like the siamese fighters of the marine world. well i love my fridmani, so looks like she'll get to continue the solo dottyback route. thanks for the input, that was exactly what i needed to find out.