Doyou need a Refugium??


Dose one truly need a refugium to have a sucssesfull reff tank? Or can you get away with other solutions like casister filters, and protien skimmers? Combined with live sand and live rock, as long as teh water quality is good.


Active Member
No, you don't need one.
Even with one a protein skimmer is a must, imho.
A refugium does offer a lot of benefits, however.


hi bro
A refiugium is a safe place; where plants can grow and other positive bacteria that lower your nitrite and ytour nitrate so you can have a better quality of the qwater !!

it's placed in your sump before the water pass trough your protein skimmer!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltydog21
What is a Refugium? I see a lot of talk about them, but I don't know what it is.
A refugium is a place external to the main tank that not only provides great filtration but also is a place to put a skimmer, heater, etc. and a wonderful enviornment to grow amphipods, copepods etc. Mine as an example is a sump/refugium w/skimmer.


New Member

Thanks for answering my question! This is such a great place to meet people and get good information.
My proteine skimmer and sump are inside the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltydog21

Thanks for answering my question! This is such a great place to meet people and get good information.
My proteine skimmer and sump are inside the tank.
Don't think your sump is inside


New Member
I have a 16G FO tank that I'm going to re-cycle soon into a reef tank. I'm looking at doing a conversion of an AquaClear 70 into a hang on back fuge....for such a small tank do you think a skimmer is a neccesity? I'm planning on doing weekly water changes anyway...


Active Member
My personal definitions:
A Refugium, as best I can describe the idea, is a "refuge" or safe place for beneficial critters, macros, etc. to grow unhindered by predation. There are many types including Hang On Backs, In Tank, Sump Combos, Seperate Tanks (the one I have), Etc. Refugiums are used for many things including pod growth, nitrate reduction, plankton production, etc.
A Sump is a seperate body of water, usually out of sight, where you can house your otherwise unsightly heaters, skimmers, etc.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SGreth
I have a 16G FO tank that I'm going to re-cycle soon into a reef tank. I'm looking at doing a conversion of an AquaClear 70 into a hang on back fuge....for such a small tank do you think a skimmer is a neccesity? I'm planning on doing weekly water changes anyway...
Rob, IMHO no matter the size of a tank that has corals, needs a protein skimmer. Corals need pristene and stable water conditions. I ran my 55 for several months with great water quality and then I put in a skimmer. YUCK!!!! The green crap that comes out is horrible looking. I will forever run a skimmer now and try to lead ppl in that direction.


Originally Posted by saltydog21

My proteine skimmer and sump are inside the tank.

HA!! How funny!! I tell people the same thing. I have an in tank sump. But by that I mean, I have a 90 gallon tank, I stock it as if it were a 60 gallon so the extra 30 gallons is my sump. My "in tank sump"!!
Now the protein skimmer, well that's gotta be an outside thing.