dp ya name your fish?


I have a tribe of nieces under the age of 7, one nephew...they all wanna know the names of the fish.....the fish have no names.....:notsure: Do ya'll name your fish? And if so...what kind of fish is it and whats the name?


Active Member
2 fire fish -- Spike and Alfalfa
1 perc -- Bozo
1 anenom. - Curly
Mandarin -- Jimmy
Flame -- Tiger
CC Star -- Chip
Clearner Porcupine
2 Halloween crabs Spooky and Witchy
There..........now get busy namin' your fish
let the kids name them.
that will be fun for them.


lol I have names as well.. Mine are kind of lame though.
perc - nemo
hippo - Dori
chromis - chromis1, chromis2, chromis3, and special Ed (swim bladder problem only swims on bottom of tank backwards in circles)
emerald crabs - Pinchy and Emeril
getting Heniochous butterfly this weekend naming it Shane


1 Royal Gramma-Napolean
1 Gold Maroon Clown-Pedro
1 Bicolor Blenny-Benny (R.I.P.)
2 Brutal Stars-Kip and Uncle Rico
1 Coral banded Shrimp-Deb (Nickname...Stupid A@#hole, or Idiot!)
1 Bulb Anemone-Summer Wheatly.
Green Star Polyps-Brentwood Estates (just thought of that one)
These fish and inverts have nothing to do with my admiration of the movie Napoleon Dynamite. It is a mere coincidence.


Okay, guess I'm in the minority here. Will have to have the kids start naming the fish...omg that is gonna be like a war!!!
I, however, am going to name the cc star, as he is my baby. Oh and the hardly ever seen Brittle star....his name is Bristle, ask lefty 'bout that!!! OH YA...forgot, name the clown Lefty, after lefty...ask him bout that too!!! so, the cc star....Nestle. How is that? The arrow crab should be Spider Man...Spidy for short. Hmmmmmmmm. I am having a mental day.:jumping:


Just to make people question your sanity, name the cc something like Oatmeal, Rasin, or Macaroon. Or, go one step further and name it, Brownie, or Bundt Cake. I love bundt cake. :thinking:


Active Member
stars and stripe puffer (puffy) origanal huh lol
scat (scat man)
snowflake eel (snowy)
engeer goby (spot)
2 striped damsels 4 and 3 striped we call them the convicts
yellow tailed damsel nemo (go figure)
I named all my snails escargo(puffy loves escargo :D
lion( .lionel)RIP

blue tang(dory) RIP


you mrsn you think my sanity is not already questioned?????????:jumping: Maybe I'll name 'im Chocolate Moose, Moose for short.


How about you name it, "Low Fat Jell-O Pudding, artificial and natural flavors?" For short, you could call it, "LFJOPanf."
I used to breed French Lops and show them and they were all named after cookies. We had Oreo, Famous Amos, Cameo, Pecan Sandi, and Sugar, and oh so many more that I can't remember. It's amazing how many cookies there are in the world. You could say that they breed like rabbits.


you should name youe CC Amos and see the look on everyones face when you tell them its name.
my fish
Osc. clown- Spot but my friends all call him Nemo (go figure)
I didn't name my fire fish or chromis cause i cant distinguish them from one another.
my CC was named Cookie but (RIP)
and i let my mom name my cleaner shrimp and you can guess what she named him (God I hate Finding Nemo)
:happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
i have a cleaner shrimp named Skippy. none of my hermits and snails are named except for the biggest hermit, and i call him, Boss. because he bosses all the other hermits around. one of my gigantic snails is his assistant. but i cant think of a name for my yellow tang or my pair of tomato clowns. any suggestions? im terrible at naming things. it took me 2 and a half weeks to figure out a name for my cat


Thinking way back to ten years ago when I set up my first saltwater tank and killed everything in it, here are the names of those fish (keep in mind, I was 15 at the time)
1 Yellow Tang-Chiquita (R.I.P)
1 Percula Clown-Bozo (R.I.P.)
1 Regal Tang-Dinsdale (R.I.P.)
a handful of stripelegged hermits from Galveston-B!-#ards!, but they weren't named until they pinched a hole straight through Chiquita. I will never forget when that happened because we called my dad to ask him if he had any ideas for fish rescue (he had freshwater tanks as a child) and his answer, "I don't know, dip it in saltwater." Then he laughed. I will also never forget the trauma of trying to flush Chiquita down the toilet and have him get stuck in the drain and see the water swirling around him, causing his fins to undulate, making him look alive again, and me reaching into the toilet to save him and stab myself on a spine and start bleeding.
Dinsdale was terrified of the B!-#ards and turned on his side and slid between two rocks and got stuck and died. Bozo mysteriously disappeared, but I've always kind of wondered if stripelegged hermit crabs aren't terrified of clowns? Anyway, once the fish were knocked off, the hermit crabs ate eachother and the tank was dismantled and turned into a snake habitat that is now in my husband's classroom.
Talk about longwinded! This is what happens when your job doesn't challenge you enough!:joy:


3 Stripe- Okie
Domino- Badokie
Choc. Chip Star- Dale (as in Chip & Dale)
Horseshoe Crab- Batteries Not Included
Emerald Crab- Crabbie Patty
5 Hermit Crabs- The Damn Crabs!
All created during drinking spells, can you tell? Cool thread!


Tomato Clowns- Tomato, Tomawtow (like the song), one could be 'Merican and the other could be British.
There's also Cherry and Roma, Heinz and Hunts, Prego and Ragu.
Yellow Tang- Jaune, Lemmony Snicket, Mellow Yellow, Yellow Submarine, Tart n' Tangy, Tangerine, Tangelo, Chicken (get it?)


Perc - Nemo
Fidmani Phudocromis - Fridy
Sailfin Tang - Spaz
Halloween hermit - Hal
Pepermint shrimp - Maze
Leader of the zebra hermits - Jack (he has 1 eye)


my girlfreind named my cleaner shrimp "shrimp" and my coral banded "scampi"