Thinking way back to ten years ago when I set up my first saltwater tank and killed everything in it, here are the names of those fish (keep in mind, I was 15 at the time)
1 Yellow Tang-Chiquita (R.I.P)
1 Percula Clown-Bozo (R.I.P.)
1 Regal Tang-Dinsdale (R.I.P.)
a handful of stripelegged hermits from Galveston-B!-#ards!, but they weren't named until they pinched a hole straight through Chiquita. I will never forget when that happened because we called my dad to ask him if he had any ideas for fish rescue (he had freshwater tanks as a child) and his answer, "I don't know, dip it in saltwater." Then he laughed. I will also never forget the trauma of trying to flush Chiquita down the toilet and have him get stuck in the drain and see the water swirling around him, causing his fins to undulate, making him look alive again, and me reaching into the toilet to save him and stab myself on a spine and start bleeding.
Dinsdale was terrified of the B!-#ards and turned on his side and slid between two rocks and got stuck and died. Bozo mysteriously disappeared, but I've always kind of wondered if stripelegged hermit crabs aren't terrified of clowns? Anyway, once the fish were knocked off, the hermit crabs ate eachother and the tank was dismantled and turned into a snake habitat that is now in my husband's classroom.
Talk about longwinded! This is what happens when your job doesn't challenge you enough!:joy: