

Brought back home?????Whatever the reason that was decided to go do this in the first place; you finish the job,be it fight terrorism, wmd's that were and have never been found. Whatever it is. You just cant go over and leave it a more unstable place than what it was . How unjust for all the ones that have been liberated. Its war, People die, including freinds of my family as well.
Sorry France ,things were getting tough on the beaches of Normandy so we just gave up.......????
This will be my last comment on this thread....I will stick to the fish topics...


Active Member
If we were to just leave it would be kind of like pulling out the center most card in a card house.... the whole thing will then fold onto itself...
you can't just leave... simply not possible. not even imaginable


Its an unpopular subject....and i'd rather talk fish. I new I shouldnt have wandered into this thread. My Father always told me never talk politics and religeon. Now if U want to talk unions and bash Walmart I'll be there for you in a new thead. Now lets talk football........


Active Member

Originally posted by tiggerguy
Ok there is much talk on here about the bush vs kerry thing.. about the economy getting better.. which IMO is not but hey that is just me.. here is my question to you and a little inside facts about the draft.. first off all there is all this talk about bringing the draft back.. and has acctualy passed in congress so how far is it away or is it coming who knows.. but my question is.. weather you feel it is your duty to fight.. even if it is not something you beleive in. or do you beleive you should be able to chose yourself weather to fight or not.. and if the bring it back should the draft women.. as they want to be equals in everything else.. :nope:
my fear is when. NOT IF.. but when we invade iran they will draft

WHy don't you do a little research into the bill you say was passed to bring back the draft. HINT: Don't watch a Michael Moore movie if you want the truth. Keep the numbers 402 and 2 in mind as you search.



Originally posted by reefraff
WHy don't you do a little research into the bill you say was passed to bring back the draft. HINT: Don't watch a Michael Moore movie if you want the truth. Keep the numbers 402 and 2 in mind as you search.

Nice point reef! Besides, what need do we have for more recruits? The current system seems to still be working great, according to the latest figures released.


Dont flame me.......... Hell no!! I would defend my own country, but not a bunch of people that hate me. Visit your local VA hospital, or the nation's capital and ask some of the hurt and homeless that defended this country becasue they were drafted and see what they have to say.