dragon moray


Active Member
? What kind of tank setup? I dont really know what your asking
But a nice 75gal with caves should be fine.


If your going to be spending upgards of $500 on a single fish, Id go with something bigger, like 180g+. If nothing else, for insurance that a small error doesnt lead to alot of money in dead fish.


GeorgiaBoy, Why didn't you just tell us what you have as Jon meaning is, the larger a tank one could setup is the better. As well you left out if you any attentions to house any tank mates with this fish for that too changes the tank size one needs to best suit its tank inhabitants.
As said as for the smallest I go is a 75 for one dragon eel with no main fish tank mates. For maybe you care to explain better in what you want to know for if you not a tank at this time for such a species, it might had proven better to ask what people think in tank size, or any other question or as well plans that you have for this.


we need to know how big your tank is, and what filtration you have,and what other fish are in the tank


New Member
I just wanted to know what I would need for 1.so I dont go out and spend a load of money.Besides buying the eel.I dont have the tank nor eel yet.


Active Member
What tank are you looking at? I hope you know that the eel you want cost more than $500. If price isn't a problem go with a nice big tank something 90gal or higher. Remember the eel will eat your fish you put it, some fish.