dragonette white spots posible fin/body rot or ich


I just got a mandarin as well and thought he had ich. I realized that it was just at night as well so I agree with Bang Guy. I purchased 100 live mysis shrimp online and am hoping they will reproduce and supply a consistent supply of food. I have a couple of pieces of fiji with enough cyst to support for a while but I have heard they will often deplete their cysts. Anybody tried live mysis breeding?



Originally posted by Bang Guy
I need to add that I'm unsure of the other Dragonettes like Scooter Blennies. I believe Scooter Blennies take to frozen food a lot more often than Mandarins.

I agree with you bang guy. Our scooter blennies love frozen brine shrimp with spiralina and also flakes with spiralina. When we got them they looked very malnutrition but they are porking up very nicely.