Dreaded Damsels


I've got two Juvenile Lemon Damsels and I know they're aggressive but it was suggested they were kept in pairs but all they do is strike each other.. are they just the most aggressive little fish or what?!


Yep Damsels are like that, totaly worth my time of taking out all my live rock and reaquascaping to get them out and to gift my LFS lol. I gave them away like three months ago they are still there haha


How the heck would the little buggers mate if they just strike each other all the time?! haha


Active Member
This can be the fighting they will do to set up the dominant fish. This dominant fish will become the female and the other will become the male. This will happen providing they don't kill each other first. I hope you have hiding places in the tank so the one getting the most of the strikes can at least have a place to go to regain his strength.


Yeah, I've got lots of little caves and hiding places for the fish! Made from live rock!


Active Member
The main problem with the little monsters is they will usually go after any newcomer. As long as you have them; the damsels, not you will decide what fish you can keep.


That may be a problem, I was looking to raise some Ocellaris Clownfish, I'm sure they're related to Damsels though?

crypt keeper

Active Member
If you get bigger clowns IMO a pair can handle their own just fine. I had a 14g nano with a pair. They attacked my yasha goby and killed him. Damn monsters


Active Member
Originally Posted by AdamS
Do you think places allow you to take them back if they are causing issues?
Some stores do, others don't. You can always give them away on Craig's List, they aren't expensive. I hate to admit it (not really); but many have been given a swirlee. If your LFS talked you into using them as cycle fish; I'd INSIST they take them back.

el guapo

Active Member
Damsels are the best . The have color and attitude, What more could you ask for ? Besides put any mean fish in the tank and the damsels will realize real quick that they are not as mean as they think they are . Dropped a few in the 90 that had been in the nano... My boy blue lasted about 30 seconds standing up to the humu humu. He flashed at him and was gone in two bites .


Originally Posted by srfisher17
Some stores do, others don't. You can always give them away on Craig's List, they aren't expensive. I hate to admit it (not really); but many have been given a swirlee. If your LFS talked you into using them as cycle fish; I'd INSIST they take them back.
LOl....Do they have Craig's List in England

Adam.....the whole thing is....some will some will not. You just have to ask your lfs...


haha, so if my store don't return them, you really think I should just get rid of them now? And let the Ammonia Cycle carry on without fish?


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
LOl....Do they have Craig's List in England

Adam.....the whole thing is....some will some will not. You just have to ask your lfs...
Somewhere in that huge purse the Queen carries, there must be one.


Well-Known Member

You shouldn't cycle with fish, even if it is a damsel...There I said it.
The problem with damsels is that they not only bite each other and kill all not so aggressive new fish. When mature, they will bite your hand when you put it in the tank hard enough to draw blood.
I put live rock in my tank and just waited, and waited for my cycle....I was never in a hurry anyway.
I heard you can speed up a cycle with raw shrimp...take the damsels back if they are not what you love. Pick a favorite fish when the time comes, and build around it, what you put in the tank dictates what else you can add later.