dream stocking....


Active Member
right now i have a 12" engineer goby, a 4" maroon clown, and a 4" algae blenny.
if you had a 195 gallon tank completely void of tangs, what kinds(3) would you get?
achilles, chevron, and purple?
tomini? powder blue?
perhaps a orange spot rabbit in the place of one?


Sohal is my favorite and next on my list. I also like the powder browns.


Active Member
Originally Posted by loopy101
i think i would go with a chevron they are beautifull!!!
i think an achilles and a chevron should do the trick.
now for something blue.
powder blue?
atlantic blue?


Active Member
X, I love the Achilles and had one that ruled my tank for 5+ years (plus the previous owner had him another 2)....They are wonderful, beautiful, active and personable fish. Mine was the most aggressive tang I have ever seen though, he was brutal to new fish, and killed a Yellow Tang I tried to add. Mark Martin (whom owns a rival online site) feels the Achilles is inch for inch more aggressive than even the Sohal. Just keep in mind an Achilles will likely need to be the last fish in and I would scratch the Powder Blue from your list if I were you.


I just got a 6" blue throat trigger a couple days ago. He is the sweeetness. a bit shy but i think my bicolor angel will have to give up the label king of the tank once the trig goes in.


Active Member
Def the Achilles. Those are some pretty tangs and I want one. lol but I cant get on in my 26 gal and 14 gal tank... Heck maybe I will get one for my 26 gal tank...
And get a purple tang to those are besutiful as well and the chevron