Dream tank overstocked?


My dream tank set up so far...
Here are the fish I have in the order I added them:
Couple Damsels
5" black volitans lionfish
4 1/2" naso tang
6" Australian Harlequin tusk
6" Queen Angel
I've got 180g, 33g refugium, 40g sump, Aquamedic multi 1000 skimmer, 2000 gph circulation, 90 pds of liverock.
My nitrates stay between 0 and 5ppm. IMO there is lots of swim space.
Could I add anymore fish? I don't want to upgrade tank size for at least 2 to 3 years.
I would like to add a school of chromis (please note my lionfish is very lazy when it comes to predation) and some smaller fish, maybe a dwarf angel.


Active Member
All of those fish will get SO much larger. I think you would eventually regret it. That Naso will eventually pace back and forth it will drive you nuts. He alone will make it seem much smaller than it is.
I agree about the lion too. They are not active hunters, but ambush predators. The whole point is to not move, and wait for something to swim by. I think they would be a lovely snack for him, in time. Maybe not at once, but bit by bit.


Thanks for the replies...you're probably right on all counts. I think I'll add some liverock instead of contemplating another fish.
Maybe I should clarify my lions laziness. He has been in the tank with damsels for over 6 months without catching a single one. He doesn't even try to catch them. When I feed him if the food floats too far out of range he simply gives up and waits for more. I only feed 2-3 times weekly so he isn't overfed. For these reasons, I thought I could get away with some chromis.


No, I passed it on to a guy I know with 250 gal. Too aggressive, it ate a dwarf lion. More importantly, I just didn't feel right about keeping a shark in a tank. I regret making such a stocking mistake.