Dream Tank


Active Member
I got an idea today about a lagoon style tank that is the same size and shape of an inground swimming pool with a shallow end, slope, and deep end. I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas about how to make a tank of this size work. How would I make a sump? Get the right amount of flow and lighting? And this is just and idea. I want to know what it would take. lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
I got an idea today about a lagoon style tank that is the same size and shape of an inground swimming pool with a shallow end, slope, and deep end. I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas about how to make a tank of this size work. How would I make a sump? Get the right amount of flow and lighting? And this is just and idea. I want to know what it would take. lol
You'd probably have to have a sump to a side if it's inground, and for lighting, the best thing would probably be sunlight. For flow, a huge pump with a closed loop system dedicated to flow.


Active Member
With a tank that size set up with live sand and rock work would a sump really be nesecary ? Now a good filtration system would but I think something that size would be more in need of mechanical filtration ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
With a tank that size set up with live sand and rock work would a sump really be nesecary ? Now a good filtration system would but I think something that size would be more in need of mechanical filtration ?
Well he's going to need mechanical for flow and currents, and I guess if he had enough live sand and rock, plus lots of cheato and maybe had a sump/refegieum for some cheato and live mud, he'd be ok.


Active Member
So would something like this actually be doable? Would there be a way to make it indoors so I can dive in it any day?


Active Member
Yea....you could swim with your fish....why not put it in a glass greenhouse so that you can have corals without lights and swim with your fish while it snows outside! Lesley


Active Member
i always wanted a tank sorta like that for a horseshoe crab, a beach like tank.
it would have to be custom made with acrylic.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
So would something like this actually be doable? Would there be a way to make it indoors so I can dive in it any day?
It's actualy is doable. Just requires a boat load of money. If it is possible for people to have large enough pond to house sharks sunch as sharpnose sharks then I think in inground pool/reef would be doable.


Active Member
Originally Posted by beenbag497
are you seriously thinking about it or is it just a dream

Right now its just an idea but if it is doable I would love to make something like it someday. (not in the near future)

nano reefer

Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
I got an idea today about a lagoon style tank that is the same size and shape of an inground swimming pool with a shallow end, slope, and deep end. I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas about how to make a tank of this size work. How would I make a sump? Get the right amount of flow and lighting? And this is just and idea. I want to know what it would take. lol
i may sound retarded, whats lagoon style?


Active Member
I guess the idea I have really isnt a lagoon tank, but lagoons tanks are usually on the shallow side and have more surface area and are viewed from the top down.


Active Member
ANYTHING tank wise is possible (just about) if you have the MONEY to do it.
There was a long thread on this here, you can do a search for it as there was a lot of discussion. But if you mean can an average person do it...I think you would find the answer to be no. It is not practical, just in terms of basic running costs (water, salt, electrical).


Originally Posted by Kevin34
Right now its just an idea but if it is doable I would love to make something like it someday. (not in the near future)
that would be the coolest thing on the face of the earth!!!!!


Active Member
Do you guys think a giant cylinder tank would be easier? Pretty much I want a reef tank I can dive in. lol


Active Member
They will really all have their same unique challenges - and need for excessive amounts of money.
Believe me, cylinder tanks are neat but not much else, unless you want the new england aquarium size cylinder.


Active Member
A regular sizer swimming pool cost is about $35,000. Which is 10,000 gals
5 gal bucket of salt which does about 200 gal.$50 ea will need 50 buckets might get a discount with that much.
A screen encloseing cost about $20,000 add the green house glass or thick plastic probly another $10,000