

Active Member
everyone has dreams and some are really bizzare. i had one last night. here it is.
me and my friend moe go out swimming on a beach. then we come to a sign that says "danger do not go farther." and so we went farther. then we came to some netted area. then we go over and we see hundreds of sharks. whale sharks, great whites, tigers, blue, oceanic white tips, and many other OPEN water sharks. not the reef kind. so we somehow "accidently" went in there not noticing sharks in there. then i sink a little and find a tiger shark swimming next to me. i was scared to death and it was opening and closing its mouth right next to me as if it was trying to eat me. then i frantically do breaststroke back across. i see my friend moe being chased by a blue shark that was snapping at it. he narrowly escaped. then i woke up. the sharks must have been enclosed in there.
alright. dream telling time
:jumping: :cheer:


Active Member
seen it only about
like 50 times!!!!!!!!!!! :scared: we have it on dvd
and me and my sister used to watch it alot when we were bored but now i come on the boards!


Dreams... I have remembered my dreams in the morning since as far back as I can remember. It was around middle school when my mother finally started to say , "YOU ALREADY TOLD ME ! " I guess she got tired of hearing them every day. After best friend, two marriages (to the same man by the way, yes I must be a glutton for punishment) and the love of my life for the past years of just pretending to listen ... I one day heard music to my ears... my baby girl (second gift from above) said , "Mom , want to hear yhe dream I had last night?" And

Oh My God has anyone out there like me ever taken stop smoking

that highten dreams as a side effect?!!!! It's like being at a movie theatre all night long.... LOVE IT !!!