Dried brine shrimp cubes


We just got our first clownfish in the tank and they told me they were feeding it the freeze dried brine shrimp. I bought a thing of the food, but I am unsure what is the best way to give it to the fish. I only need a very small amount, but all I have is a bunch of cubes. Suggestions?


Active Member
You can try to break off little pieces of the cube, but you should know that brine has no nutritional value at all.


If you get the kind made by Hikari they put vitamins in theirs.
Try the idea of breaking off a bit while it is still frozen. If that doesn't work for you, I have tried thawing mine in a shallow dish of tank water and then re-freezing. This way it is more spread out and the water/ice breaks off more easily than a cube.


Active Member
Originally Posted by eejay3
If you get the kind made by Hikari they put vitamins in theirs.

I did not know that.


Active Member
You can thaw part of a cube and refrigerate the unneeded portion, just for a few days, like you would your own food.
Granny always told me never to thaw meat and refreeze it. Can't remember why, but I doubt I would have questioned her, anyway.

Also, try to add some variety, even pellets would be a good addition to their diet. Read the ingredients. The brand I use is 46% protien. Even with enriched brine, it's not a complete food, IMO.


all you gotta do is just cut a piece while its still frozen and then thaw it quick with some tank water.


Active Member
I seldom use brine shrimp for my tanks because of the lack of nutritional value.
I like mixing up bloodworms with garlic once in awhile (they have slightly
more nutritional value) but it seems like my clwons devour frozen Formula One. Heck, they are fun to watch because when the other fish tear into the nori, they seem to like the leftovers of that as well.
Denise M.


Active Member
I do not like any kind of brine shrimp either since it is almost nil in nutrition. Even frozen and freeze-dried brine is not that great. There are so many better things to feed your fish that will keep your fish much happier and healthier.