driftwood or not?

Does anyone here use driftwood in their tanks? I not too long ago removed mine from my tank because I was having unknown problems. I since found the problems and want to put the driftwood back into the tank. It's a nice piece and I don't want to trash it.


New Member
yes take it back out. i just bought 2 saltwater books and one sed that u cant use them because they release some substance, and can soften the water and make it more acidic. it should only be used in brackish mangrove tanks, it sed. i forgot the name of the substanse though


New Member
hey- whats wrong with fresh water!! :mad: I DO BOTH (AND YOU CAN TOO)!!! :mad:
[ September 30, 2001: Message edited by: nicescallop ]
Thanks for the info I kind of knew that I couldn't use it no more but I wanted someone to tell me it was alright. But into storage it goes! Thanks again.