Drilled Aquarium question


I hope this explains it a little better for ya. Don't mind the clowns trying to get in my way of the camera. They LOVE the camera!
You can see the fiberglass screens covering the overflows. I had 3 snails in my refugium one day. Another day a larger turbo snail got caught and clogged the right overflow. I had my zebra snail stuck in one also, and found a peppermint shrimp in my filter sock before.
The screens are defiantly necessary!



Originally Posted by mojohoojo
Sumthing like this!

You would not want to do something like that unless you had a HUGE sump. You need at least 2 or 3 inches to the center of the drilled hole from the top of the tank for structural integrity. That amounts to ALOT of water to overflow back into the sump after the return pump is turned off. That's why I did the 90 degree elbow out of the hole. My sump/refugium holds only about 20ish gallons so I had to keep overflow to a minimum.


Here is a pic from the back side so you can see the durso stand pipes. they are PERFECTLY quiet. Surprisingly enough the fiberglass screen made them totally quiet. Before the screen they wwere pretty good, but for some reason after putting them on they are dead silent.
All I here when it's running is my tremendously loud Aqua C urchin protein skimmer.


Thanks for the video mate! that really clears out alot of my doubt and questions
. I will be Setting it up in a couple of days time i will post the whole process once i started! Wish me luck!