Drilled Tanks


I found a DEAL on a tank, but I have a few questons.
The tank is an oceanic tank that was custom drilled, so that it does not have the overflow compartment inside the tank. I understand the process with these compartments but not sure of how this would work with a power outage.
Will I need to buy the tubing that normally fits inside the compartments?
If so, anyway to hide the tubing?
Sorry if this is hard to understand, but I do not have the lingo down yet . :notsure:
I am just worried about


Active Member
Need to know the location and size of the holes to determn how best to plumb it. can you make a sketch and post it or describe them.


I'm sorry if I am not doing a very good job at explaining it. I have not seen the tank, it was in the newspaper for sale and it is 4 hours away. I am trying do get some answers to questions that I am not sure about before I spend $75 in gas to go look at it.
There are holes in the bottom of the tank, if you just connect the hose directly from there to the sump, will it not overflow the sump if the power went out.
Is there any type of plumbing that I would need for the inside of the tank to break the suction from the sump and not allow it to overflow the sump.


Active Member
OK, I understand and yes, typically you run pipes up inside to the desired water level and the tank will drain to the top of the pipe and stop, you also run pipes for the return up high enough at or above the water level and ether have the spouts there or have a small hole to suck air and break the syphon if the power fails and you make sure you always have enough room in the sump to hold the water that does drain and syphon back befor it does stops. The pipes can be seen but you can hide them with rocks or some people paint them.


What type of paint do you use ?
Do you use pvc pipe or do you have to use something more specific ?


Active Member
Most use PVC pipes and fitting that you can get at HomeDepot, ect. Bulkheads and spouts you need to get at a fish store or on line. I dont know what kind of paint, maybe someone else can say.
If the plumbing is your consern then you have to do this even with an OFBox in side but if it being seen is your consern then thats up to you.....If flooding the floor is the consern then there are ways to help prevent that in most cases....What size is the tank, and price ??


I was told 165 gal (the lady said it was 84 inches long) have you heard of a tank that length- have not heard of that size before.
stand, canopy, and vho ballast and lights for $500
seems like a pretty good deal for around here.
Was looking at spending $800 for a 125 gal tank and stand only


Active Member
7 ft. tanks are common in acrylic, it could be pretty scratched up. IDK. if its in great shape then thats not a bad deal. For a 7 ft 165 the measurment may be like 84x18x24h, or close to it....If I was you and they can and will see if they will email you pictures of it....befor driveing 4 hours.


Active Member
if the tank is drilled (2 on each side of the tank -rear of tank)
I would highly recommend the all-glass megaflow overfows, My 210 is the 1st tank i had with them and they are awsome and super quiet!
(i like the thumb guy
Heres a pic of what i am talking about, they are rated at 600gph each but they flow more than that as i am running about 1900/2000gph factoring in drop off for height.
