Drilling tank


Hello All
I have a 55gl that I want to drill, i would like to know these things
1) Should I drill 2 holes one on the left and one on the right? Left drain the water to the sump and right the return from the sump.
2) I have to drilling bits (is that what is call? dunno) one the size is 45mm and the other 60mm, which should I use?
3) It doesn't need to be fancy because I am going to make as a frag tank.
Does it make sense? Thanks for the help


Active Member
If your glass is tempered then it will shatter as soon as you try to drill it. Why do you need to dril? There are other options such as a U Tube siphon...


I agree, but if it isnt, i would think you could drill both holes in the sam corner that way you dont have a ton of plumbing and you can also just but something over one side and not have to worry about any thing else. My 75 gallon has both holes drilled in the same corner