Drip acclimation and hypo


Has anyone tried and had any luck with acclimating fish to a hypo tank with a drip method? IE..you have fish in hypo (1.009) for a few days, and you purchase a new fish and want to add it to hypo..

al mc

Active Member
Fire...I have not heard of this method of starting a fish quicker into hypo and I agree with reefer. IMHO..way too stressful on an already stressed fish. I usually have a new fish for 4-5 days in SG 1.025 before I start them into the gradual change over to hypo...unless, I clearly can see and 'white dots'.....then I would go right into my 2 day swing to hypo.


You cannot bring a fish fom 1.023 (stores usual sg) into 1.009 within a few hours. You can however set up a temporary tank and lower the salinity after giving the fish a day or two to settle.