drip kalkwasser


anyone could show me how to drip kalkwasser in my 58g
i been try to keep my cal & alk balance but it seem to be one or the other
thank you


Shoot, a local LFS sells the 1400 ml one for $30! What a rip! My boyfriend is a paramedic so he brought home some IV drip sets, I'm going to make my own dripper from that (when I get time.) Check about.com and do a search on how to make one, there's lots of info on there!


you can make your own from a gallon jug and some airline tubbing. If you have any ?? on kalk you can check out the FAQs here and they have everything you will ever need to know about kalk


New Member
There are plenty of threads on here to help you with it. Do your research because you can really screw up your tank if you do not know what you are doing. Most kalk mixes will tell you one to two teaspoons of powder per gallon of water. You have to adjust the drip rate according to your tanks needs which is done by testing to make sure you are not throwing your alk out of whack. I drip mine at a rate of one drop every 5 seconds and my levels stay constant. I drip that much because my tank is filled with stonies and clams and they draw alot out. I read your post on the mystery wrasse and some research would have saved an animals life so please do your homework on this so more life is not lost. Good luck.


Originally Posted by sharkbyte1023
There are plenty of threads on here to help you with it. Do your research because you can really screw up your tank if you do not know what you are doing. Most kalk mixes will tell you one to two teaspoons of powder per gallon of water. You have to adjust the drip rate according to your tanks needs which is done by testing to make sure you are not throwing your alk out of whack. I drip mine at a rate of one drop every 5 seconds and my levels stay constant. I drip that much because my tank is filled with stonies and clams and they draw alot out. I read your post on the mystery wrasse and some research would have saved an animals life so please do your homework on this so more life is not lost. Good luck.

do you drip 24hrs? or only at night?


What exactly do you mean?
You cant use kalk to balance the cal & alk ratio. However, if these numbers are ballanced, you can drip kalk to raise both cal & alk.
Originally Posted by Tboy
anyone could show me how to drip kalkwasser in my 58g
i been try to keep my cal & alk balance but it seem to be one or the other
thank you


New Member
Hey Ape...I having it dripping 24/7. I check the calcium,alk and ph levels on a regular basis and i have almost no shift from night to day.


New Member
Obviously i can't answer for everyone but i would say yes most do at night to keep the ph from falling too low at night. I looked at it differently because i have a reactor on another tank and it runs 24/7 so why not do the same with a manual drip. I use a little less powder than they recommend just so i don't have the ph get too high in the middle of the photo period. I have been doing it that way for over a year and i go from 8.1 at night to 8.35 during the day. My calcium stays beteen 440 and 480 and the alk is 10.5 meq so it works for me.


Originally Posted by MoneyMan
What exactly do you mean?
You cant use kalk to balance the cal & alk ratio. However, if these numbers are ballanced, you can drip kalk to raise both cal & alk.
i could keep my cal & alk level the way i want it,
only a little bit hard time keeping them at that level
any one out there could show me step to step how drip them


quoted from wwm
Dry Calcium (Calcium hydroxide: AKA “Kalkwasser”): In summation, one of the absolute best supplements to dose calcium in aquaria with a long list of benefits and few disadvantages. Easy to use, but easy to abuse. Follow dosing protocol strictly.
Advantage: A potent and direct method of providing calcium
Caustic nature increases pH and indirectly supports Alkalinity by tempering acids that would otherwise burden the buffer pool
Is self-purifying by virtue of its highly caustic nature. Most impurities commonly found in the raw reagent precipitate out. Aids the neutralizing precipitation of nuisance phosphate in aquaria. This is a tremendous advantage over all other methods of dosing.
Improves skimmer performance (saponification).
Dosing at night tempers pH swings from inevitable drop from respiration by photosynthetic dynamics.
No negative, residual by-product of its use (like accumulating Chloride ions with “Liquid calcium” products)
A long-term calcium supplement
Disadvantage: High pH limits supplementation to dosing at night or in increments
that will not raise pH suddenly by more than .2
Dosing by the commonly recommended supersaturated solutions is tedious and messy (instead, see “Slurry method” in the Book of Coral Propagation, Volume 1 for a tidy and succinct dosing method).
Can be dangerous or stressful to system if misapplied
Here are my personal steps in how i make my mix,
Step 1 take your milk jug and fill 3/4 way full of water.
Step 2 Add 1/4 teaspoon kalk powder.
Step 3 shake shake shake
Step 4 Let the milk jug set for about 8-12 hours. to allow for the mixture to cure.
Step 5 Take your doseing unit and pour from your milk jug the clear liquid on top, try not to slush around your jug. If you look you will see a white milky substance at the bottom of the jug. You do not want this milky stuff. You only want the clear liquid.
Step 6 Drip into your tank at a rate of about 1 drop every 15 secs. For a 1200ml container 14 drops every 43 seconds will empty it in 24 hours. I drip slower as to drip 24/7 for a week. I only drip every other week in between water changes.
I hope i was helpfull have fun.