Dripping Kalkwasser Question


Will using a Kalkwasser Stirrer in line with my auto top off help with keeping my Alk in check & help with PH? I have to buffer to keep my alk at 8dkh, my PH is 8 to 8.2 depending on time of day. I only need to add reef bulder about twice a week to keep it alk at 8 so I was thinking of running Kalkwasser into my system if it would help where I need it. My calc is always at 440-420ppm. I do water changes & it seems to keep that stable. I would like raise calc about 480, mag is over 1500ppm all the time. Im not into doing a Calc reactor just yet. When is the optimum time to add Calc & Alk buffers, should I add alk in the AM befor lights on & calc in the PM?



Another suggestion is to add the Kalkwasser mix when the tank lights go out, or (ideally) first thing in the morning. While the lights are off, the pH drops, reaching its lowest level the next day just before the lights come back on. If you add the Kalkwasser during this reef “night,” the effect of raising the pH will not be as significant as it would be during lighted hours.