New Member
I read through the Diseased Fish thread that Beth put up ( incredibly helpful!) However I still can't seem to pinpoint what has caused a string of deaths in my wife and I's tank.
55 gal, two "back-pack" filters, 4 18 inch bulbs (2 normal white lights, 2 Actinic blues), 40lbs worth of crushed coal for the floor (gives us about an inch thick), 26lbs of live rock split into three rocks (no where NEAR enough I know).
Salinity: 1.022- 1.023, pH: 8.0, Ammonia: 0, Nitrite: 0, Nitrate took a heavy spike up to 80 last week and then fell within 3 days to 40. To treat the Nitrate I was told to cut the algae by reducing light hours to less than 10 (Honestly I think that did my tang in), and then we were told to use Seagel in the filters to help clean things up even more.
Small anemone, 20 crabs, 2 peppermint shrimp, 2 fire shrimp, and a cleaner shrimp. We have a dwarf fuzzy lionfish, 4 Blacktail Damsels, 2 "Blue Damsels", False Percula Clown, 1 small yellow sponge, 1 piece of coral that looks like a red twig (I'm sorry I don't know names)
Diet: Really rather basic. Flake Frenzy 3-4 times a day for the most of them. And a cube of frozen brineshrimp for the lion and anemone every 3-4 days. Naturally everyone else gets to take part in the shrimp thing but I try to target those two.
One red starfish COD: unknown rapidly began deteriorating and looked like he was being eaten. Rushed to QT but died during the night.
Clown... COD: Unknown. Started acting funny (ie. being very still near each of the four corners of the tank, wouldn't swim much even for food, slightly labored breathing) We were told it was because "it" was becoming a SHE and this isn't a comfortable experience (I can only imagine lol) and we should just let it be. Ok fine. 2 days later (even with positive progression) I come home and the shrimp were eating it. At the time it had also started turning to a darker color on the upper half.
Latest and most odd. Baby yellow tang. From first intro to tank extremely friendly with everyone. Ate regularly was doing great. One night we noticed he just stopped moving, went to a corner and just sat there. Breathing looked fine, eyes looked normal. But he was paper thin. First instinct... give him some food. No reaction. Chased him around for a second to get him to move around a little bit and notice the food then it was right back to the corner. Died with-in 4 hours
All of these took place very near each other, but never overlapping. As I've read earlier in the board the tang really had no place in our tank anyways for limits in size. (So I'm thinking that we won't be replacing him) With the rocks we have all the fish seem to have their own little place to hide and get away from others. The tang when we got him home looked to have suffered a trauma to his eye... but that cleared up to a little dot with-in a day of being in our tank. I just don't know what is killing them off. If it's chems it's not picking it up on our test kit (Saltwater Master Liquid Test Kit by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals). currently I can only test for those 5 items I listed above. If there is a test kit that is more comprehensive that might aid us in keeping out pets alive I'd love to find out about it. Any ideas as to the whys and where to go from here? I'm going to keep scanning through your treads but I haven't seen something like this yet.
55 gal, two "back-pack" filters, 4 18 inch bulbs (2 normal white lights, 2 Actinic blues), 40lbs worth of crushed coal for the floor (gives us about an inch thick), 26lbs of live rock split into three rocks (no where NEAR enough I know).
Salinity: 1.022- 1.023, pH: 8.0, Ammonia: 0, Nitrite: 0, Nitrate took a heavy spike up to 80 last week and then fell within 3 days to 40. To treat the Nitrate I was told to cut the algae by reducing light hours to less than 10 (Honestly I think that did my tang in), and then we were told to use Seagel in the filters to help clean things up even more.
Small anemone, 20 crabs, 2 peppermint shrimp, 2 fire shrimp, and a cleaner shrimp. We have a dwarf fuzzy lionfish, 4 Blacktail Damsels, 2 "Blue Damsels", False Percula Clown, 1 small yellow sponge, 1 piece of coral that looks like a red twig (I'm sorry I don't know names)
Diet: Really rather basic. Flake Frenzy 3-4 times a day for the most of them. And a cube of frozen brineshrimp for the lion and anemone every 3-4 days. Naturally everyone else gets to take part in the shrimp thing but I try to target those two.
One red starfish COD: unknown rapidly began deteriorating and looked like he was being eaten. Rushed to QT but died during the night.
Clown... COD: Unknown. Started acting funny (ie. being very still near each of the four corners of the tank, wouldn't swim much even for food, slightly labored breathing) We were told it was because "it" was becoming a SHE and this isn't a comfortable experience (I can only imagine lol) and we should just let it be. Ok fine. 2 days later (even with positive progression) I come home and the shrimp were eating it. At the time it had also started turning to a darker color on the upper half.
Latest and most odd. Baby yellow tang. From first intro to tank extremely friendly with everyone. Ate regularly was doing great. One night we noticed he just stopped moving, went to a corner and just sat there. Breathing looked fine, eyes looked normal. But he was paper thin. First instinct... give him some food. No reaction. Chased him around for a second to get him to move around a little bit and notice the food then it was right back to the corner. Died with-in 4 hours
All of these took place very near each other, but never overlapping. As I've read earlier in the board the tang really had no place in our tank anyways for limits in size. (So I'm thinking that we won't be replacing him) With the rocks we have all the fish seem to have their own little place to hide and get away from others. The tang when we got him home looked to have suffered a trauma to his eye... but that cleared up to a little dot with-in a day of being in our tank. I just don't know what is killing them off. If it's chems it's not picking it up on our test kit (Saltwater Master Liquid Test Kit by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals). currently I can only test for those 5 items I listed above. If there is a test kit that is more comprehensive that might aid us in keeping out pets alive I'd love to find out about it. Any ideas as to the whys and where to go from here? I'm going to keep scanning through your treads but I haven't seen something like this yet.