Drowning right from the beginning


Hello! I am brand new to the hobby and have been following these message boards for quite awhile trying to learn all I can. I have researched for months and finally have my 75 gallon tank filled with H2O. Everything seemed flawless until: my canister filter has a leak, so back that goes to the LFS and my thermemeter will not stay suctioned on. But my real nemesis right now is my wet-dry filter (Amiracle250 with overflow hanging on back). It is all set up and ready to go, but I cannot get a siphon started. I am turning blue from trying for hours and have swallowed half a tank of water. My LFS said that bubbles in the siphon tube are bad, but I cannot get them to go away. Any suggestions!? Also, am I going to have to go through this ordeal everytime I do a H2O change?
I am so excited about getting setup...please help me from becoming blue about this hobby!


for your thermometer, wipe off the suction cups and the glass, with clean sponge that you use only for your aquarium. don't want any chemicals or soap on it, as it will kill your livestock.
I don't know anything about your wet-dry filter so can't give any input there.
As for water changes. I started with the siphon and it was a pain in the butt. I don't like swallowing water from my tank. LOL. I went to my local hardware store and bought enough of the clear tubing (wide enough to attach to my power head outlet), to run from the aquarium out the back door. Just gotta watch it close to make sure it doesn't pop off the power head Does excellent job.


Dont know if this will help but, a buddy and i were setting up my tank and we had to get a syphon started we had trouble for about 45 min. I kept spittin out salt water and thinking this is rediculous how could they make you do this. But then we read the directions a little more carefully and noticed that with your 1/4 inch airline they give you to start the syphon you actually suck out the air in the u shaped tube you dont suck the water to get a syphon started... ( me = <--- moron) I hope this helps if not i just look like a bigger dumby then i was to begin with.


Active Member
Is this the type of overflow that you have? See picture below. OK getting it started will take some time. What you need to so is to cancel all of you appointments for the afternoon and throw on a movie for the kids. Then you take two pieces of plastic wrap, saran wrap, plastic sandwich bags, whatever. Take the U-tube and fill it with water. Place the plastic over the ends of the U-tube. One leg of the u-tube should be longer than the other, even just a little, this longer leg will go on the outer box. So take the u-tube and quickly turn it over so that one leg is in the inner box and one in the outer box. Your overflow should have 2 chambers in the outer box. Place the u-tube in the chamber that does not lead to you wet-dry. Then take the plastic off the leg of the u-tube in the outer box of your overflow. Take the plastic off the leg of your u-tube in the inner overflow box voula you should have flow. May have to do it a couple of times to get the timing down. If you get some air bubbles in you u-tube pour some water in your aquarium and the flow through the u-tube should get rid of the bubbles.
Just remember you will be taking water out of your tank so you will need to add more water to your tank. No you do not have to do this all the time. And no I cannot tell you the physiscs behind that.
Now that is done and the kids are entertained, take an hour or so for yourself.


Active Member
Uhh thinking about it I may have the legs wrong. You may want to have the longer leg on the inner box. I am honetly not sure right now. I can check mine after I get back from going shopping and yelling at my kids if you want me to.


Ok, here's how to do it. Took me a while to figure it out, but i's so easy. Take some 1/4 ariline tubing (it's very small) and put it into the u-shaped tube about halfway up. Then you put the u shaped tube in the overflow boxes, with the longer end on the box on the outside of the tank. You put enough water in the overflow box on the outside of the tank so that it covers the end of the u-shaped tube. This is where the siphon comes in. Suck all of the air out of the u-shaped tube. At this time, the water will begin leaving the tank, and entering the filter. At this time, Pinch the end of the 1/4 airline tubing (so you don't let any air back in the u-shaped tube), and remove it from the u-shaped tube.
Turn on the filter, and see if any air gets into the u-shaped tube. If not, you're fine.
You should only have to do this once (unless you want to clean out the u-shaped tubing). When you turn the filter off, the water just comes to a stop. Air should not get back into the u-shaped tubing either. The only way you would have to siphon again is if you take the u-shaped tube out of the overflow box.
Is that clear enough, or did i just confuse the crap out of you?


The easy trick is to make sure both ends of the siphon (U shaped tube) is in water, if not, you can't siphon. That's what I was doing wrong..


:joy: I am exicited to try out these ideas. My filter's directions were hard to understand and I was trying with tubing that was too thick. My son is about ready for a nap, so I'll let you know how it goes! Thank you so much for your time! I know that dringking 8 glasses of water is good for you, but I'm hoping not to get them from siphoning my fishtank today!


:cheer: We are finally up and running! Thank you so much for taking the time to help me! I only swallowed a little H2O and my son slept through it all! I can't wait to begin cycling so I can start to think about the fun questions, such as fish choices! THANK YOU!!!!

salty cheese

Active Member
You can also use a powerhead. Cut a length of tubing long enough for it to reach the top of the u tube and attach the other end to the powerhead. It takes about 30 seconds and you don't have to drink saltwater.


Active Member

Originally posted by Salty Cheese
You can also use a powerhead. Cut a length of tubing long enough for it to reach the top of the u tube and attach the other end to the powerhead. It takes about 30 seconds and you don't have to drink saltwater.

Or an Aqua Lifter pump!
the BEST $15 you'll ever Spend!!!