drum/container should I use?


Hey, I've looking for a 55 gallon container locally and have not found one...
I walked in to my company's factory today and there they are ready to be thrown away...
they contained different additives to the food (dog food) we make
Drum1. White Distilled Vinegar 50 Strengh (I think the safest, we use vinegar to clean stuff.)
Drum2. Silicated Chlorinated Alkiline Foam Cleaner
Drum3. Glycerine
what do you think, and how should I clean it...


i would make a trip to a hardware store and buy a 35 gallon trashcan for 20 bucks. if you are sure that the one with vinegar only had vinegar in it, than it should be safe after a good rinse. i wouldn't use either one that had a cleaner or glycerine in it. if the drums are metal, than i wouldn't use them either.


they are plastic, and the glycerine is just sugar... according to one of the plant managers here who kept saltwater tanks in the past, the glycerin will much easier to clean than the vinegar as it is stronger and penetrates the plastic much more than the liquid sugar.
what will be the best way to clean it.