Dry Salt outside my aquarium

Why every morning i wake up there are aways dry salt outside my bottom aquarium. I checked for any leak but there is nothing..Where is it coming from? Any idea..


Active Member
It's called salt creep. It's either from bubbles popping nearby or water leaking or spilled. If it's at the bottom of the tank try wiping it off and see if it reappears. Sometimes there can be a leak and the salt will stop it up.


Active Member
do you have a skimmer running? i have this with my nano cube when i didnt have my skimmer positioned correctly


I've always had salt creep toward the back of my aquarium. I just wipe it off weekly or so with a wet paper towel.
I did wipe it off but there is no leakage..There should be water coming out once i wipe it off but there is none. Is there away i can sealed the outside..When i put the water inside, there were no leakage...It starts happening when i put my live sand and live rocks in the tank...


This is coming from a noob but i figured out you situation, im in the same boat.
When you pull your hand out of the tank, a few drops will drip off and slide down the glass. you dont even notice it, it settles at the bottom right on the rim of the bottom trim piece, you dont see it cuz its wet and clear, a few hours later you see the salt after the water has evaporated.
Im also running a penguin bio-wheel type filter up top in the back, and even though i have the top nicely covered all the tiny little splashes that i cant even see, deposit a little bit of salt water at a time, this water keeps evaporating but leavs a constantly building amount of salt...
I tried draping a towel over the outside of the tank last time i added some mushrooms and feather duster, and this time there was no salt on the bottom.
Im almost sure thats what you have, dont worry about a leak, if there was a leak you would see salt on your stand and elsewhere...
i hope that wasnt a run on lecture.. hope it helped.

sea slug

put the "creep" back into the tank because it consists of a select few minerals in your "sea salt mix" and by putting it back into your tank you are mantaining a concentration of nutrients, beneficial to your coral/inverts/assorted critters/etc...
I wouldnt put salt creep back in your tank. Because, that is salt and your freshwater evaporated, therfore it will raise your salinity cause there isnt enough freshwater in the tank.


Active Member
Just make sure you control the creep! My friends dad had his 125 set up as saltwater but takes terrible care of his tanks and after a few years when they took it down, it had eaten the wall of their basement behind it :scared: . Not that most people would be that lazy and dumb not to notice.