dsb in new tank


New Member
I just purchased a 125 long this weekend and after reading numerous posts about benifits of a dsb want to go that direction.
My question is if I purchase some sand from HD and some from lfs or online. How much of each will I need. Also what type of ls is best I have seen kinds in a bag at lfs is this what I want or is stuff online better.


New Member
The other thing is I am not planning on this being a true reef tank as I hope to have a couple of large fish a emperor angel being one. If I don't have a lot of live rock will the dsb still be as effective.


Active Member
the dsb is a dsb, nothing to do with lr(really)
the denitrifying abilities come from the bacteria in the sand more than anything, now, the criters will help as well, so if you have no lr, then i would purchase some critters and snails to help clean it
but it works fine with no rock but the 2 work well together with adde benefits
ia gree with jwt here, in using sd for the most part and then seed it with live sand(jsut a couple of bags of ls would be needed then)


New Member
Another question I have about dsb is how effective would this be on a tank that has large fish and less rockwork. I currently have a juv emp angel in smaller tank and want to get a couple of blue hippo tangs with a few smaller fish would a dsb be effective with this type of fish load. I am in the planning stages of setting up filtration for this tank know.