DSB Maintanence?


I am four weeks into my new DSB. My tank was 13 months old when I did the switch, and everything is great. I have already begun to see the benefits. My question is what to add to take care of it? I know many reccomend a detrivore kit, cucumbers, etc. I would like anyone's opion based on their experience as to what I should add. I have the usual assorment of crabs, snails, shrimp, serpent star, etc.


Active Member
What kind of LS do you have? It may already have some detritovores in it. Do you have any LR? Things could migrate from the rock into the sand.


I have 45-50lbs. of live rock which has been in the tank since day one. The sand I added was Florida Keys LS. I think it made it into my tank less than 24 hours from harvesting. I was under the assumption from other posts that you need various critters to help take care of it?

marine qa

I have read posts that would lead you to that assumption as well.
All I know is that with satisfactory water conditions the critters that arrive on LR and LS will eventually move to dead sand and dead coral. Believe me there are an abundance on funky living things everywhere in my tank and sump and they moved there all on their own.


Active Member
Hi jond,
I'm at a very similar stage as you are with my 75 gallon tank. Been set up with a new DSB for about 5-1/2 weeks.
I have about 65 lbs of existing 2 year old live rock from the 55 gallon tank I took down, and added about 10 lbs of new live rock. I'm seeing a few worms and pods in the sandbed, and the tank is coming along nicely.
I plan to add more live rock as time goes on, but will hold off on ordering any detrivoir kits for a couple more months. The DSB is very new - still very sterile looking, and until I see more desireable algae growth on and below the surface - I don't want to spend the money on adding detritivoirs yet. Not much for them to eat yet.
I may decide to add some live sand if I can see it first. Not going to pay for sand and bacteria only. Critters yes.
Good luck !!!

marine qa

broomer, what comes in the detrivoir kits?
I have never read a description of them, and since my DSB seems to be filled with life and working as it should I never looked into it.


I ordered a detrivore kit from Inland Aquatics and another from Indo-Pacific Sea Farms to seed my refugium, as well as some other stuff like macro algae and live (not bottled) bacteria. The little 'pods get sucked up the return as they multiply and seed the main tank, while the snails and stars stay down in the refugium.
Mysis & Gammarus Shrimps
Miniature Brittle Stars
Peppermint Snails
Micro Stars
Stomatella Varia (snails)
Other Reef Amphipods, Copepods, etc.
A Caulerpa "Sampler"
Umbrella, Razor Ribbon, Grape, Notched
"Tang Heaven"
Red & Gold live natural seaweed
I also have 6 SandBed Clams and 2 Burrowing White Starfish as ssand stirrers in the main tank.
I had a cuc die and lost 2 fish shortly after- they release a toxin (like all sea apples) if they croak, and while some people seem to think its not significant, I wouldn't try it again.

marine qa

CaptainEd, or anyone of course, here's my question. I know that allot of the creatures you listed are really cool and beneficial (except for the poisonous sea apples), but is it necessary to add them if you already have LR and/or LS?
I understand that bristle worms and copepods, etc. play a vital role in a reef tank but I have allot of both of these but never purchased them separately from LR or LS.

nm reef

Active Member
Marine.....personally I would say "no.....its not needed"...I have a 55 gal system/35 gal refugium/6" DSB....100+lbs LR....nearly all the items available in kits from both major sources are in my system...........I just don't see the need to spend $100 a shot for kits that may very well establish themselves over time........but I do on occassion get a pound or 2 of LS from the LR curing tanks at a trusted LFS(they just give me some each time I make a purchase...'cause they know I use it)...I honestly believe that this crud/rubble from the bottom of the curing tanks has been as benifical as any "kit" available on the market


Actually, I agree with NM Reef- if you already have 'pods, or can get a scoop of sand or rubble from the LFS or a fellow reefer, then you probably don't need to buy any. In my case, after 8 months I had yet to see a single critter in my tank- I must be one of the few people in existence to get pod-free LR, so I ordered the pods and a few other goodies (like the sandbed clams) at the same time.
It only took a few weks for the critters to really multiply, so it doesn't take much to get them going. I'd be very interested in doing a scoop of refugium substrate "swapping" with anyone nearby to improve the diversity in my tank.


There is an interesting site that gives some detail to the composition and maintenance of DSB. I picked it up from a previous post on this board.
<a href="http://www.rshimek.com/reef/sediment.htm" target="_blank">http://www.rshimek.com/reef/sediment.htm</a>