DSB & Plenum Debate


Well the battle rages on at my house! Boyfriend and I are at odds over the fishtank. Currently the tank has about 3 inches of crushed coral over a plenum. We will soon be taking out all of the crushed coral and be adding a DSB. I want to take the plenum out because I don't think it's a good idea. He wants to leave it in and add the 4 inches of sand on top of it. He says then we will have the benefit of a DSB and plenum. He tried to convince me that with the plenum we would only have to put 3 inches of sand to have a DSB, but I think he has decided to go with 4 inches anyway. Does this make any sense? Either way there will be a DSB. Basically I need to know if I'm offbase or if he is. I would appreciate any information you could give. Also if you know of any websites with info on plenums vs. DSB's I would appreciate it. I will need tons of information to convince him otherwise. Thanks!


Active Member
I think DSBs while costing a little more are a better way to go. They will both do the job. The only true advantage to pleniums is that there cheaper to start, but are more complicated to put together and are less forgiving. With new ideas about building DSBs making them nearly a cheap as pleniums, the fact that there easier to put together, are more forgiving and natural, they have become more common. This is really why DSBs have taken hold and pleniums are falling by the wayside.


Active Member
OK read both articles and after reading I am struck by the following line in Julian Sprungs article:
"The gravel in Jaubert's systems[using a plenum] has been termed "live sand," as it has in other natural systems such as Eng's and Dr. Adey's. The use of this term in connection with Jaubert's systems is misleading because the size of the grains used should be much coarser than sand. "
So essentially a plenum works well with non-sand substrates. Meaning you should not have a DSB and a plenum. Here is another line about the use of sand or layering of sand over gravel:
"Since the sand bed does not function as a mechanical filter, and because it must allow good diffusion of water in order to function properly, the idea about layering makes no sense. "
This means with the plenum you would have the over-oxygenated water stuck below the sand and not diffusing at a helpful rate upwards.
If your boyfriend insists on keeping the plenum I'd point out that line in the Julian Sprung article.
Lastly - if he is trying to point to a plenum as easier to maintain I would point to this line from the Sprung article:
"Some aquarists have reported a problem with gravel fusing into a solid mass of rock. This occurrence of course can to some degree prevent the proper functioning of the gravel bed as a biological filter, though if the mass is still porous it might not be so problematic. "
The last two points I would make in defense of a DSB over a Plenum would be from the Deep Sand Bed Article by Dr. Ronald Shimek
1st: "Siphoning, disturbing or cleaning of the sediments will result in significant removal or mortality of sediment organisms and may severely damage the functional aspect of the sand bed."
Meaning - you do not have to worry about the fusing that goes on with the plenum sand bed and
2nd: "Have you ever had a problem with hydrogen sufate (sulfide? Im not a chemist) and if so, what he does about it?
Only when I tried a plenum. Bad news, there. In my sand beds, never have had a problem."
One less chemical you need to worry about popping up in your tank.
I know several other people can chime in either way - but given the articles and the fact I am trying to blow off 20 minutes of actual work time ... I decided to go with what was on hand .. so to speak.
Good Luck


Okay....I've read both articles. I am thinking about doing a DSB in the display tank because that's what I want.....lol...and then doing a fuge with a plenum. This way he gets what he wants and I get what I want with the benefit of a healthy tank. Good? Bad? Open for opinions!
Thanks Again


Active Member
'fuge with a plenum?? Why??
You would have to maintain the crushed coral/gravel in it .... that's anawful lot ofwork for a part of the tank that is not viewed on a regular basis!
you should run a poll withthe choices of
Bare tank
I think you'd be surprised at how many go with DSB and how few with Plenum


Staff member
Plenum....haven't heard that in a long time. I would definitely do dsb, as long as you do the research and take the time to know how to create one. Plenum may be old school at this point and not really needed with the dsb.


Well-Known Member
I vote for a refugium with macro algae.

back in 2003 when I started here DSB's were all the rage. then after a few years there were reports on DSBs crashing/failing after 5 years of operation.

Plenums were popular before that to help take care of nitrates. but reports surfaced that nitrate levels were not that much different between plenums and non plenums.

But that's just my obversations/rememberances.

Which are worth at most .02 minus cyber Monday discounts.