dsb question


Well, the tank is up and running. I bought the fine sand from CaribSea and mixed it with a little bit of cc. My tank is cloudy, which I know will clear up in a day or two. But the fine sand that is settling out of the water is creating a fine layer of sand on top of the dsb. Whenever I disturb it at all, it blows all over the place again. Will this fine layer go away after a while? What do I do with it, if anything?


Active Member
Yes that will sift it's way to the bottom of the sand bed. It's just basically the dust that was in the bag with the sand...give it a week or two and the problem will be non-existant. I had the same thing with my tank.


New Member
Sorry but that doesn't ring a bell! I have used fine sand in a tank before and it all settle down after 48 hours! I really like the fine stuff but in my reef tank I have way too much water flow to attemp that again! Eddy


Active Member
it will eventually sift its way down under the heavier/larger granuals, and as your sandbed is inhabited by critters, it will be excavated and brought back to the surface. i have a worm or somethign that does this and leaves piles of coild sand poo all around the tank.
good luck