DSB Question


Just went to Home Depot and was looking for sand. I have read alot of info on this board and am a little confused as what to get for sure. I'm going to seed it with at least 20# of Live Sand maybe even 40# not sure awaiting to see everybody has to say.
But here's what I found at HD, that brown fine playsand and this white really really fine(smaller than table salt) free crystaline silicate stuff. That said on the package to wear a mask or something, becuase it could cause cancer. Should I buy this stuff?
I have read that the stuff you want is white and silicate free. All the quickrete stuff they had was either concrete or the brown sand. They had no Southdown or Yardrite. I will be checking Lowes in a couple of weeks to see what all they have.
Any help would be great thanks.

bang guy

I suggest you read the package on the fine white sand a little better. If it says Silica that's the sand I suggest you use. I also suggest you use a mask when handling it. It does bad things to lungs.
FYI - Silica has absolutely no Silicates in it.


Active Member
A lot of Home depots do not carry southdown, I have used the white silica sand in a tank also and had no problems with it.


I like the fine silicate sand. Its very small which means more surface area for bacteria. It looks good. Its cheap (one of the very few things in the hobbie). I also heard that it passes through the gills of fish easier.