DSB questions, including how quickly should you thicken a sandbed up to make it DSB?


Active Member
you said it, a good clean up crew, and the bacteria in the sand do the job
crabs, shrimp, worms, pods algae and bacteria(maybe some fishes, depending on the fishes, may be detrivores), starfish(some species) and so on. they all clean the 'crap'


Did you ever make the change to DSB?
Did you utilize Bang's "mixing in some flake food" method?
How long did you leave the mix in the bucket?
How did it go?
Hoe deep is your DSB now?
Also: Did you take out all the CC or did you just put the CC on top of the DSB?
I want to make the change in tank as well...
Do you have to add 10% live sand? Or will just the mix ing the flake food do it?
Just wondering how it went for you..
PS. Tired of vacuming the botom..