DSB Questions


I want to change to a DSB. What exactly is a plenum? Is it 100% neccessary for a DSB? What do I need to make a setup with a plenum? How do I setup filtration with or without a plenum? What i mean is, should I remove my mechanical filter, leave it their, or can it go both ways? Do i just need a skimmer and the sand?


Staff member
Why don't you tell us what you want to do with your existing tank? Try to convert it will still up and running with livestock, or break the whole thing down and start over? Where are you with your tank? What kind of tank do you have now?


Right now I have an up and running 35gal. tank with some lr, inverts, an orange spot goby, and 2 clarkii clowns. Unfortunately, I am using an undergravel filter. I want to take all the lr, invets, and fish out and put it in my 10 gal for a day or so to completely clean the bottom of the tank. I plan on saving about 1/2 to 2/3 of the water from the tank to put back in after everything is changed over.
I'm assuming you're currently got crushed coral with your UG filter. In that case, converting to a DSB will make you much happier in the long run. I just have two suggestions:
1. Use live Sand as it will significantly lower the time it will take for your tank to partially cycle. Your tank will need to partially cycle again, as you'll be effectively removing your aerobic bacteria filter.
2. IMOHO, the court is still out as to the efficacy of plenum systems. An interesting plenum setup I've experimented with in one of my refugiums is Bio-Blox made by Cercona. These are 9x9x1" block made from re-cycled 2-Liter bottles that are supposed to excel as an environment for anaerobic bacteria.
Hope this helps!
[ June 12, 2001: Message edited by: tangs_in_pacifica ]


Staff member
Take all creatures and LR out as you stated and place them in the 10gal or larger if they won't fit comfortagbly in the smaller tank for a few weeks.
Depending on how long you have been running your UGF would make the difference on how polluted your existing water is. If your nitrates are off the test kit scale, then I'd suggest using very little, no no water from the existing setup. Break the whole thing down and start anew from the beginning. If it is relatively new, and your nitrates are ok, then use the existing water.
Get rid of the wet-dry as it is a nitrate factory as is the ugf.
LS with DSB of at least 5". Return the LR to your tank, once the "dust" settles when you add the sand. I don't know how much LR you have?
Let the tank cycle. You can enhance the cycle of your new tank by using dead shrimp to facilitatie the cycle and increase bio-load capacity. If you have zero readings on ammonia and nitrite, then add 1 fish back at a time---take it very slowly, cause you have such a small tank, that the margin for error is significant. You can enhance the cycle of your new tank using dead shrimp.
Use good PH circulation [probably at least 2 for your tank].
Get rid of cc, ugf, and w/d
Have a good time!


Its been up for a year is that relatively new? How many gallons of old water should I use. Is it going to take another 6 weeks to cycle? Doesn't the ls speed up the process?


Staff member
You have a small tank to begin with but your LR is curred. Place the sand bed in first as described above. When the water clears you can place in the LR. If this does not generate an ammonia spike, then, one at a time place your other creatures back in, starting with the fish, until they have all been retrurned to the main tank.
Do this slow...say one creature a week. If you get an cycling process, wait a week following the cycling before adding in another specimen. As I said, test your current water. If you have high nitrates, I wouldn't use it.


I'm in the same boat you are with the cc and the ugf. You could try to remove the cc in thirds or something to try to prevent a recycle. Someone here suggested it before and sounded like it worked well. Also, I've heard good things when Nature's Ocean ls is used to not cycle again. Just some suggestions as I have not done it yet. Good luck.