
Is a 4in. dsb the best way to go? My LFS says no, sulfur can build up and be released if the bed is disturbed. Please answer as I'm changing tanks tonight, and I want to do it right. This will be a 125 LRLS with fish only tank. Thanks to all.


I just spent a couple of months researching this before making my decision. I believe that folks advocating a deep sand bed are correct and the benefits significantly outway the risks. The sulfer issue (while valid) seems be a case of exagerated risk.
I also think you get out of each solution what you are willing to put into it and though there are many benefits to DSB you still need to understand what you're doing and be willing to make a commitment towards your tank. It is NOT a silver bullet that solves all your tanks ills, though it is sometimes presented as such.
Good luck with the change, If you do go with a DSB I'd go a little deeper than 4" if you can. More helps.


Active Member
I agree with Rick, the hydrogen sulfide poisoning is very rare and its dangers greatly exaggerated. thousands and thousands of reefers have DSB's and I have not heard of one hydrogen sulfide poisoning yet.

ed r

Here is a link to Dr. Shimek's site where he discusses DSB. In his book "Sand Bed Secrets" he explains why in a properly setup DSB the hydrogen sulfide is not a problem.
<a href="http://www.rshimek.com/reef/sediment.htm" target="_blank">http://www.rshimek.com/reef/sediment.htm</a>


Active Member
great answers, definitely, and i cannot agree more
but i would like to add taht IMO, lfs's are not always the best source of info available