Dsl Blows


Active Member
ok so im tryin to play diablo and other internet related games AND IT KEEPS ON LAGGING, im so sick of the modem i almost broke the STUPID MODEM, right now i am ticked off like crazy cause i was planin to stay up and play diablo but no the STUPID DSL IS MAKIN ME LAG.................AAAAAAAAA:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


Active Member
what kinda connection are you running that you are having lag probs with dsl? whos service is it? and how many systems are on it
diablo lagging does not sound like a normal dsl prob
also, try dslreports.com as mentioned earlier


Active Member
Definitely check out dslreports.com. I play Medal of Honor on line all the time and when you get lag, it's usually the servers fault. There is absolutely nothing wrong with DSL.


Active Member
Has the telco checked your line? How old is your PC? Are you running a spyware remover? I work on dsl, and these are a lot of problems I run into every day. I had one machine that had 1300 instances of spyware on it, It was so bogged down it almost wouldn't boot up.


I'd say something is taking up your bandwith if anything.
Like mentioned above, how many other computers are connected to the DSL line? If they are all doing something online then you will see lag.
Also, if youre running anything on the machine other than Diablo that needs to be online, that will also lag you. Especially if youre downloading something (ie: using bittorrent, kazaa, etc).
When playing games online, I would close out all my other applications just to improve performance (both machine as well as internet). Try that, if you dont already. Might help.


Active Member
I don't know, I've only dealt with 2 Macs in 5 years. You could google for a spyware remover, lots are free. I would asume there are some out there for Macs.


Active Member
Not nesecarilly, with cable you and everybody share the same line from their equipment to the pole at your house. If you're the only one on it OK, but if 30 houses on say your street are on it, them there will be some slowdown during peak times. With DSL, you are on your own line from the equipment to the pole with no sharing or slowdown. I''m on DSL and my speed is always 2900k. Try checking your cable different times of the day. morning, evenings, and now that school is open, try it say 30 min after the kids get home. You'll see a difference. http://www.toast.net/performance/ Select image and text in the first box, and toast.netCa in the second then scroll down to run test and see the differences.