DT causing algae problem?


I have all of a sudden have a green algae problem. Beautiful lime green algae on substrate/sides. I can almost see it growing. I swear this seems to have started within the past couple of weeks, which is the same time that I started using DT phytoplankton to feed. Perhaps I put too much of that stuff in water? I don't know. My phosphates are nil, my nitrates are 2.5, my nitrites are 0, my ammonia is 0, my alk is on the low/normal side, my calcium is around 400/420. Any thoughts??
Has anyone else observed this problem with using that product?
I'm going to cut back on my lights a little, right now they're on from 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Oh, and one more thing, when I clean all this green stuff off of glass and it's floating around in tank, do corals/critters eat that little micro stuff floating around?? There has to be some good in this. My leather is fabulous, looks like winter wheat on a huge field :D


Active Member
It's been my experiance that you should use 1/2 or 1/4 of the recomended dosage. To much will contribute to nitrates and or algae problems as with any type of over feeding. As the left over phyto dies it passes though the nitrogen cycle just like anything else.


Active Member
Yes I've experience the same bright lime green algae growth on my tank glass after using too much DT phytoplankton.
It's sort of strange too - the lime green almost fluorescent growth seemed to grow more under the actinic lighting I have on the front left side of my tank glass. Although this may be caused by the circulation pattern in my tank. Not sure yet.
It may also appear more fluorescent because it's closer to the actinic - not sure about that either.
I am sure, and agree with Dan's words above whole heartedly.
I still use it - but also half dose it every 4-5 days or so.
I don't have a lot of filter-feeders, but some, and I'm experimenting on the right dosage for my tank as well.
It's not near as bad as it was a month ago.


Active Member
I may be WAY off base here. Please tell me if I am.
But isn't DT phytoplankton basically a substitute food when proper lighting is not suplied?
Seems to me like it is acting like a overdose of lighting in respects.
NOTE:I have never used it.
Please give some feedback.
Like I said(I may be way off base here).


Active Member
No, it is not a substitute for poor lighting. DT's feeds filter feeders many of which are not photosynthetic. Also it is an indirect feeder to most corals, while some corals do eat phyto most don't they feed on the zooplankton and rotifers which need phyto as food. It also feeds the many different tiny sessile filter feeders(sponges, tunicates, feather dusters, etc.) living on and in LR which reproduce in your tank feeding corals. There is no substitute for inadiquite lighting, but there is a need to feed corals directly or indirectly.


Thanks for all the input. I do believe that I was feeding too much of the DT and am cutting back. Has anyone ever used Marine Snow? What are opinions on that.

ed r

I use 1 capful for a 2-1/2" Crocea Clam every 3 days. I put him in a small tupperware container with the DTs. Any DTs that are left after 45 minutes are dumped into the tank after I return the clam. I have not seen any of the algae you describe. My clam is doing well.

bobby & kari

i think that dts is over rated and too much money i feed all of my corals coral heaven of i take an eye dropper and feed them baby brine shrimp:D :D


Active Member
have you ever used dt's for extended periods of time? Also DT's is not meant to be the only food for your tank. I have used it and i think it is unmatched fro phytoplankton foods. On last years Annual Edition of Marine Fies and Reef it had a study comparing different coral foods. DT's surpassed them all. Not only for growts but also storage time, (live foods)


I use DT's and from your discription of the lime green algae I am sure that I am overdosing too. I usually add 5ml of DTs to my 20gal every other day with a frozen cube of mysis shrimp. The algae is not that bad, but now I am sure that the DT's is the cause of it. I am going to cut back and see what happens.


Well, I cut back on the DT and the algae HAS stopped. I just read an article that compared several different foods for corals and DT was the leader, so I'm not going to switch, but am going to continue the decreased amount.
HOWEVER, I feel that they need to be fed more often than alot of people on this list mention they feed. In the ocean I don't think these organisms go for days without eating, I think they eat constantly, but......they are not in a CLOSED enviroment like we keep them, so.......what is the happy medium??