DT has no pods


Active Member
Wow, I just noticed that our 75 no longer has visible pods in the DT. The refugium is packed with all types, but pods that used to hang on the glass and overflow are no longer there. I know they are there somewhere, I see them when I dip my corals, but not as plentiful as they used to be. Any ideas why this is?
Current inhabitants:
- 2 clowns
- Tomyami Shrimp Goby + Pistol shrimp
- sixline
- flame angel
- 4-line damsel
- starry blenny
- 2 skunk cleaner shrimp
- 1 fire shrimp
- different types of hermits and a ton of diff snails
Tank has been up and running since March 08 and has a sump and refugium.
Water params:
- pH 8.2-8.45
- temp 79-81.5
- ammonia and nitrite 0
- nitrate ~ 2
- calcium 400
- magnesium 1500+


Active Member
Pods are a natural food source - most fish and many inverts will eat them. This means that the pod population will decrease and those that are left are the ones smart enough to hide, only come out at night, etc.


Active Member
yeah..they will eat whatever they see. you still have them, but they hide for their lives.


Active Member
agree with mr x. the pods r just hiding. i dont see see any pods in my dt either, but my mandarin is always full. so i guess there has to pods somewhere.


Active Member
Cool, thanks guys! I was comparing our 2 reef tanks and the 150 is swarming with pods... ALL OVER, one on top of the other almost.
I just got so used to seeing pods on the glass of the smaller tank and when I realized that I didn't see them any longer, it made me wonder.