My lfs carries it. I'd check the lfs's in your area first. I've also noticed around here at least prices vary. I think DT's is best bought locally since it has to be kept refridgerated. HTH
I pay about 20 bucks for the smallest bottle. Dont know the exact size.
I second the notion of not getting it shipped. It has to be kept cold at all times, and I would rather let an LFS deal with that as it is easier for them when buying in such quantites.
It does do wonders for the tank, but it can also be overdosed quite easily. This typically leads to an algae bloom.
I pay $13 for the small bottles and $25 for the big ones. Buy it locally as stated by everyone else.........they should have it somewhere in your area.
i paid 15 for the small bottle... i just keep getting the small bottles since if something happens, and it goes bad, well.. a new bottle is right around the corner...
i do have a question on dosing... how much do you guys dose?
I have a 135 gallon with about 10 corals.. most are small and frags, but i have a few larger ones.
I put in about a capful every other day.. sometimes every day over the weekend when i play with the tank more often.... that little bottle has lasted me a long long time.
has anyone had any sucess trying to culture dt's?
thought it might be an interesting thing to try if you could get a light that would run in a minifridge without heating it so much that the compressor blew out.
It can totally be done, and you dont need to do it in a refridgerator. I have seen setups that run with airstones, 2 liter bottles, water, and a single NO flourescent. I dont know all the details, but it can definitely be done.
someone on here had a post a while back with like justinz said they had multiple 2 liter bottles cultivating photo plankton, hopefully hey will see this thread some time and share their success.
Originally posted by coralcollector
I make my own it is very easy just soda bottles air pump and a light
Could you give a little more detail on that? We use a system like that for hatching brine shrimp.
yeah, i figured set up a standard greenwater system, just do it in the fridge as dt's is a coldwater strain of phyto.
by the way, i left mine out once for a couple days. if you ever forget to put it back in the fridge, do yourself a favor and DO NOT give it the sniff test to see if it is still ok to use. i about soiled myself it smelled so bad.
so how is this done?
use 2 litter bottles with airstones in them.. put some saltwater in them, and split the DT's solution in it?? and walla, the plancton with reproduce??
help me out here.