DT's, Marine Snow, Golden Pearls?


Active Member
I have used DT's for several months now and I just got a bottle of Marine Snow and have been using that for the past week. I have not noticed a difference so far. I have heard some good things about Golden Pearls as well and I am looking for some opinions on what works best for you. Thanx.


Active Member
im about to get some DT's
its like 8 bucks for a tiny bottle. is it more expensive than the others?
i have been using "kent marines microvert"


Active Member
DT's is more expensive but, it is live. I don't know if it is worth the xtra cash for the live stuff but, my corals did enjoy it during dosing time.


I'm a firm believer in marine snow, i used to use DT's but when i switched over to marine snow my corals really seemed to open up more and have better color......


Started using DT's a couple months ago. Once I started using it I noticed a much faster growth rate on all of my corals. Might be some other reason, but that is all that I changed.


Active Member
I have been using Kents Micro Vert since my tank has been up. Is it that much different from the others that are listed here?


Active Member
I use DT's 2 or 3 times a week at half a dose and have been pleased with possitive results. I feed golden pearls when I have them and add them to my coral food recipe, the corals do like the smallest ones. I'm going to try roti-pods soon. I'm a believer in coral feeding, but not to excess.


Active Member
I make my own food- and my corals love it-
Here is what i use
1 pack Prime Reef
1 pack Formula 2
1 Pack Silversides
1 Pack Krill
Several sheets of dried Green algae
1tsp Zoecon
Then i put it into a blender for 20 min untill it is a liquid and freeze it until future use- Everything seems to do really well and is growing quickly


Active Member
I feed DT's almost daily. Golden pearls are good as well, but you have to becareful with them. Start by only feeding them once a week and check for a algae bloom.
Overall you can't beat DT's, it's a live culture which is better for the corals and you can use it as a starter culture to grow your own!


i have used both marine snow and dt's but when the dt is gone im going back to marine snow anyone know why i cant vote


I have only used marine snow but a 2 weeks after i bought my first mushroom rock i had 2 mushrooms split, a couple that were shrivled are now huge, and my button polyp colony after only 1 month and a half has gone from ten polyps to about 20.


DT's and Golden Pearls are IMO the best foods available. I get a green haze on the glass a day or so after feeding DT's, I just scrape it off and it feeds the tank again. Why is this a problem? As stated before, it is a live culture and you can grow your own using it as starter. You can feed it to your rotifer cultures as well to keep them going if you go that route.
Here is the link for golden pearls:


Active Member
You don't need to target feed corals Phyto as most of them don't eat it. Rotifers and other zooplankton naturaly in your tank eat the phyto and the corals eat them. Other things that eat phyto are sponges, feather dusters, vermited snails and tunicats. And they contribute to feeding your corals during reproductive attempts. Phytoplankton does feed corals, it's just an indirect feeding.