A little data on BioPlankton, a cut and paste from a supplier that can not be mentioned. Ok not so little in fact it's LONG.
BioPlankton is a professional, food grade aquaculture product that is a Phytoplankton mix of Nanochloropsis, Tetraselmis, and Isocyhyris algae. These three algae provide optimum food nutrition for inhabitants of a captive reef system. In larger quantities, the very algae that you are reading about is used throughout the world in food and ornamental aquaculture. This algae is specially processed by Reed Mariculture of San Jose California in their state of the art bioreactor. The proprietary process of creating ultra concentrated algal feed is so successful that it is currently used in 42 countries.
One of the most important needs of a captive reef habitat is to have the nutrient needs of their biological process meet. Meeting the minimum needs produces a minimum return. Though captive reef tanks can live without feeding, inhabitants survive, but do not thrive. However, by transferring essential fatty acids and vitamins from algae to captive inhabitants helps the animals to have higher growth rates, survivability, and presentation.
Captive Reef Enrichment
Coral growth and microfauna population diversity and density are related to the quality of feed they receive. Depending on the feeding apparatus of the targeted organism, BioPlankton can be used to enrich an organism both directly, and indirectly.
Direct Feeding
Direct feeding is done by a coral directly ingesting a passing Phytoplankton cell in its natural state. For example, an octocoral or hexocoral that uses tentacles to capture and feed on a passing Phytoplankton cell. Due to the three algae contained in BioPlankton, Phytoplankton feeding organisms are assured of finding a feed particle that matches the feeding apparatus. Soft corals like Sinularia and Dendronepthya, Gorgonacea Order corals and filter feeders like feather dusters, bivalves, clams and tunicates can easily can ingest and utilize Phytoplankton. According to the Modern Coral Reef Aquarium, Vol. II, "Cnidarians, (Corals) are in principle animals that depend on planktonic food that is carried to them by the water currents."
Indirect Feeding
Indirect feeding is the product of a Zooplankton organism uptaking the Phytoplankton, and enriching itself before being consumed by another animal itself. Before the use of BioPlankton captive organisms had to rely on the transparent nutritional value of a captive reef's unenriched Zooplankton population. Now with the enrichment of a reef's Zooplankton, fish and corals can feed on enriched Zooplankton that is present in the substrate and rock. BioPlankton will play an important role as the primary source of vitamins in the captive aquatic food chain. The nutrition content of intermediary Zooplankton is influenced by the content of the zooplankton's algal diet. One of the key benefits of zooplankton enrichment is the increased nutritional value. Vitamins previously unavailable will now be available via microfauna to include amiphods, copepods, and other microfauna crustaceans. Amassing this diversity of zooplankton organisms maintains the health and vitality of a captive reef. Gobiidae Fish (Jawfish, Mandarin fish, and Sand Sifting Gobies), Echinoderms (Sand Stars), and Holothurians (Sea Cucumbers and Sea Apples) that feed on sand dwelling organic and microfauna can now be kept successfully.
Hobbyists wishing to culture their own Phytoplankton and enrich their captive reef with it are encouraged to do so. However the time and expertise to maintain such cultures is typically beyond the working hobbyist. When buying cultured Phytoplankton, a hobbyist should be aware that the quality of a natural state Phytoplankton feed will change with time. The chemical composition of Phytoplankton is heavily influenced by growing conditions, storage time, and exposure to light. Though we advocate feeding Phytoplankton, the nutritional return of natural state Phytoplankton can be questionable when stored for extended periods of time. Why feed less than What you know is the the best? BioPlankton is the most advanced food grade algal feed. The microalgae is specifically processed to have the best nutritional profile. When cold stored, the algae will maintain its nutritional profile for over a year.
BioPlankton Data
Algae Type & Percentage Concentration Cell Size Benefit
Nanochloropsis 33.3% 76 billion cells per ml 2-4 microns Riboflavin(vit B2) and Tocopherol
Tetraselmis 33.3% .85 billion cells per ml 8-16 microns Ascorbic acid (vit C) & Thiamine (Vit B1)
Isochrysis 33.3% 8.6 billion cells per ml 5-6 microns Excellent PUFA
The nutritional value of microalgal species is mainly related to the content of certain PUFAs, eicosapentaenoice acid (EPA) and docosahexaenic acid (DHA). This biochemical composition of the algae you feed your reef tank or aquacultured organism can be the difference between success and failing. BioPlankton is a professional food grade aquaculture product, that is bringing success to the hobbyist.
Usage Recommendations
For captive reef tanks: Review your bioload for consumers. Feed recommendations are based on a medium bioload. For example, a medium bioload is a tank that has about 1 pound of live rock per gallon and about 1 coral per 4 gallons. Though fish are the heaviest bioload on a captive reef, juvenile and adult fish will not directly ingest the Phytoplankton. Your most immediate impact will come from microfauna increases in the sand bed and increased sponge growth on live rock. Proven filter feeders like feather dusters, clams, tunicates, gorgonians, and bivalves will also receive a direct impact of increased health and vitality.
To feed a medium bioload in a 60 gallon tank, start with 2 pumps of feed diluted into about 12 oz of tank water every other day. This feeding can occur at any time in the day, but evening feed is preferred. As the population density of directly feeding organisms increases, feel free to increase the amount of feed available. For smaller bioloads and smaller tanks you may start with much less. Remember less is more when feeding this ultra concentrated Phytoplankton.
Please note that the research on corals uptaking and directly feeding on Phytoplankton is a very gray area. With all due respect to hobbyists on both sides of the debate, we find that in our aquaculture systems we get better growth rates and presentation of Phytoplankton enriched corals. Please share your results with us. What is fully agreed is the benefit that Phytoplankton will give to the microfauna and direct filter feeders of a captive reef.
Aquaculture Recommendations
BioPlankton can replace the use of intensive mono cultures of traditional aquacultured algae. Because live natural state cultures can be unreliable and of questionable quality, we highly recommend using BioPlankton to enhance your culture success. This algal feed can be fed directly and indirectly to cultured larval organisms via artemia, copepods, and rotifers. Most aquaculturists and marine ornamental culture facilities who utilize our product for finfish and crustacean culture will have prior experience in culturing Zooplankton with Phytoplankton. The culture aspects are the same however you need to be aware of the need to use caution when working with such an ultra concentrated product.
Standard saltwater dilution becomes more of a measure aspect since small culture containers do not typically continuous water quality instruments. We have successfully used the Secchi principle to create our own Zooplankton protocols. Typical Rotifer concentrations of 10-15 rotifers per ml are easily accomplished by using strict water quality protocols. In order to maintain ongoing Rotifer cultures, it is our strong recommendation that cultures be harvested at least every other day once a feed able density is created (no more than 20 rotifers per ml). Wash and rinse small culture vessels at least once every four days for best results. To avoid overfeeding cultured specimens, please utilize a counting method per ml to create a customized protocol that meets your culture needs.
In order to preserve the nutritional value of the phytoplankton, this product must be shipped via Second Day delivery or faster. Shipping and handling charges for one to six bottles is $20 (free shipping promotion does not apply). This charge covers the shipping, ice pack, and styrofoam box charge.
BioPlankton is transported to our warehouse with refrigeration. XXXXXXXX(deleated) stores this product at 20'F. We go through great lengths to ensure that you our customers receive a fresh product. Even though the cost per feeding of this product is about half of competing products, please keep in mind that shipping and associated charges for the transport translate to a savings of only 10-20%. The shipping and handling charges do not change for up to 6 bottles, therefore it is more economical to purchase this product in quantity.
HTH with the research, easy to find.