Dual questions


Check out the following pics and tell me what the white spots are on my Hairy Mushrooms and what is the red slime on my orange tree sponge and how do i get rid of it. First pic is orange Tree Sponge with red slime all over it.


Bethzilla the red algea is mostlikely cyanobacteria. DO a search on this site I recall quite a few threads on how to get rid of it. From what I can tell from the pictures the mushroom looked bleached like they have lost all their Zooxanthellae. DOn'tr know why perhaps a better foto would shed some light.


I just found out that my DHK was pretty low and have just upped it to 9. Is it possible this caused the bleaching?


Bleaching can be cause by various stress factors low DHK is a possibility others include excessive lighting, loss of UV reflecting pigmentation caused by an untold number of possible factors, such as lower pH, insufficient iodine or magnesium levels. I would do a water change to see if they respond.


sorry my last post was before I saw the last two fotos. They are defonetly bleached The white spots you are refering to are the small nuby tentacles that the coral has. Did you purchase them when recently? were they this color before?


I have had them for at least 6 months and they were all a pretty green color and spreading rapidly until just recently when they got brown slime disease and alot of the colony disintegrated. That whole top of the rock in the pic was once covered with my Hairy.


I definetly sugesta water change don't know if you can salvage them but its worth a try. Just the red Algea alone tells me you have things out of wack or lack water flow.