

Just wanted to tell you I have almost the exact same set up as you.
I have a 125 folrls,DSB with a remora pro a 5in. queen angel (since Nov.01), two cleaner shrimps, a maroon clown, a marine beta, and a clean up crew which doesn't harm the sand bed. I plan to get a juv. lion today.
I couldn't e-mail you as it wasn't allowed through this site.Rick


What kind of lion are you planning on getting? Just make sure the lion is small enough so that it does not eat your clown and your shrimps.
I was lucky with my 2 cleaners and my volitan for like 3 months. But a couple days ago one of my cleaners disappeared and now I see my lion hunting down the other at night. The cleaner now just burrows in deep cracks in the rocks. Im planning on getting another one since I heard they come out more when their is a pair.


I bought a Violtan Lion. This is the smallest one I've seen. It is about 2.5in. total length. So far it seems to be doing fine, it hangs out upside down on the underside of a rock. Thanks for the reply.