dumb cbs

my cbs hasnt done anything since I put him in. he is starting to grow brown algae on himself.
he is alivie though, when a fish approaches him he gets startled, and when a hermit crabs walks up to him, he makes sure he lifts his legs up so they dont get touched.
is this normal? hes been in there for about 4 days

salty rick

Sounds normal to me. That is how mine have acted in the past when I had them. They are more active after the lights go out. You might try using a flashlight and look around after the lights go out.


I have had one for 5 months. For the first 4 months he was in a 20 gal and ruled his world. Always on the move and very active. Last month I moved him toa larger tank and he has not moved from one corner except at night.