dumb luck?


Active Member
my orange shoulder is hiding from my big tangs.i didnt see him getting beating up i assume he is .so i decided to get him out of my 250 gallon.had two totes ready for the rock and a 75 ,45 gallon tank ready to drain .i drained out maybe 30 gallons .the orange shoulder swam up to the top and sat there.i said this cant be this easy.i grabbed the net .waited till his back was at it then just scooped him up.thats a first.now hes going to my 55 qt.to watch him then to my reef tank.


Active Member
no doubt.i had all the stuff ready to drain the tank and put the rock in.and dumb luck snagged him.i figured two hours and only took 15 minutes.


haha thats awesome!! Now only if my blenny would have done the same when he needed to go into qt, he was in rough shape and still took me 20min.


Active Member
I had that happen with a mean maroon clown I was trying to remove. Same situation. I wanted him gone so bad and then I thought "no no, I don't wanna deal with that... I'll put it off" and I put it off for weeks. Then finally one night I thought I'll just try and I totally wan't even prepared with a place to put him cause I thought I would never get him in my 200 gallon (he was the size of a nickel) but I did. Voila!
It's funny how things work out sometimes.