Dumb newbie coral question


Ok, hubby won a hammer coral at his last local reef club meeting. I actually think it's pretty cool. Anyway, I was wondering, how do hammer corals eat? All the other corals we have in the tank have visible mouths. The Zoas, Duncans, Ricordea, even the Xenia. But I don't see a mouth anywhere on this frag and neither does hubby. It's got this neon green color to the tops of the tentacles, the "hammer" part if you will, but some of them look like the green has been rubbed off. Was also wondering what this was from. Neat little thing though. OK, you can all go snicker about my lame question now LOL.


My husband just feeds his tank with coral frenzy, oyster feast, marine snow, etc. and it absorbs that. He never directly target feeds it and it has grown alot. In approx. 9 months it went from one tiny head to 6 large heads.


Well-Known Member
They do have a mouth and or mouths. As they split or branch off they will form another mouth. Probably won't really be able to see it unless it feeding response has been triggered and it catches food. Frogspawn feeds in the same way. I broadcast feed, I don't target feed. Photosynthesis and meaty foods are it's diet.
The loss of the color could be a result of it addapting to it's environment and new lighting conditions.