dumb newbie light question...


probably asking a little late, but i want to know. i bought a 135g oceanic with the matching oceanic cap and stand. the cap had standard issue lighting that came with it. fish are great, nutrients are great, and coralline algae is blooming...i am not doing anything special...lights on timer for 10 hours a day
Q: How can I tell what kind of lights i have? Will it say VHO on light or what?
it actually says:
GE Aqua Rays 30W bulb for FW and SW tanks: Made in Great Britan - There are 2 of them over the tank. each one runs half the length of it.
Q: Are these good enough? I don't plan on adding corals...at least for the next year or so...i wanna get the fish thing straight first!


I would say that they are probably normal output lights. If you can check the ballasts on them and see what they say. Also think about what you want in the tank in the end. I mean if you want corals,what type so you can purchase the lighting you will need just once. If you buy VHO's now or PC's then you decide you might want clams or SPS then you will have to go with Metal Halides for light. What I am tring to say is lights are expensive so buy them once, but make sure they are going to be for what you want.Just trying to help.:)


the lights you have are plenty good for a fish only tank. fish dont really care about lights... well.. mine hide when the lights go off :)
If your coralline is going good.. then you have it made.. enough light!! as far as looking into other lights.. dont bother until you decide to get into corals....