dumb question?? maybe??


Not sure if this is a dumb question, and there is a real easy answer...but I just got my overflow from the big auction site, and I've got it hanging on my tank, and I've got a ViaAqua 1300 as a return pump...but my question is this...how do I get the siphon started on the overflow, i've got it set to the right height and everything in the tank, but the water just sits in there because there is no siphon,...and whenever i suck on the air tube connected to the top, it does nothing...maybe im just being really stupid here, and can't figure out the obvious, i dunno....any help would be great.


noo...the overflow IS the u shaped tube, it hangs over the tank, and then there is an air tube on the top to start the siphon, which I can't get to start.....if you look on the big auction site under "overflow" you will see the exact one.


Active Member
You need to have water in the overflow box, above the end of the U-tube (both ends of the u-tube need to be submerged in water…once you have both ends submerged stick the air tube halfway up and suck).


Another option is fill the U shape tube with water and cover the ends with plastic wrap. Put the tube in place and then pull of the plastic wrap the same time, it will start the flow. This way you spare yourself from drinking salt water. The only drawback is that there is air bubble at the top of the U tube. I am not sure if that is normal or not.


Can someone tell me if it is normal to have a air bubble at the top of the U shape tube which brings water from the tank to the overflow box. I haven't been sucessful in getting rid of the bubble and I see that it limits the flow of water into the overflow box.


Active Member
THe air should pass with the water if the flow is great enough. If not, you may want to re-start the syphon to eliminate the bubble. If ya get one after a successfull start, you may be getting air into the u-tube from somewhere. I had a similar problem when the level of the inside overflow box was too low. THe water flowing in was falling too far and making "bubbles" which collected in the top of the u-tube. HOPE THAT HELPS


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
You need to have water in the overflow box, above the end of the U-tube (both ends of the u-tube need to be submerged in water…once you have both ends submerged stick the air tube halfway up and suck).
This is the way I have aways done it!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by kengaroo
Can someone tell me if it is normal to have a air bubble at the top of the U shape tube which brings water from the tank to the overflow box. I haven't been successful in getting rid of the bubble and I see that it limits the flow of water into the overflow box.
No that's not normal and in fact can end up causing a failure. Try Jmick's method and see if it works better for you. Also, a sudden increase in water flow should push the bubbles through. If your return pump is not powerful enough to keep the bubbles from reforming in the tube, you need a larger pump.
The only failure to date that I've had with a U-tube overflow was one time when I cut my refuge pump back to decrease the flow. It wasn't enough to push and bubbles through and ended up building up air to the point of losing the syphon. Increasing the flow back up solved it...


Active Member
Ditto Reefnut in your last post. Almost exactly how I experienced it. YOu just said it better.


the overflow isn't a u shaped tube, the box itself is made into the U, so everything is built right in, and the only way to start the syphon is through a small blow hole on the top, which comes with a small air hose to connect to start the syphon...but once i fill both sides of the box with water, and suck, the syphon still does not start...I am running out of ideas here....


Active Member
Can you post a pic? I'm not familiar with that setup. I know if there is not ENOUGH water in my overflow boxes (in and out) the syphon won't work. It's like the water will be drawn together from both sides, then once it meets, it's "game on". Syphon started. WHen there isn't enough water, it tries to fill the u-tube but falls back down into the boxes. Maybe add more water to the boxes?

Has it ever worked? Maybe a crack in the joints? Any leak will kill/prevent the syphon.


alright, I finally figured it out...so it is all working perfectly now...thank god......but thanks for everyones help