dumb question time? =) pods the cheapo way



I barely ever use my QT tank because I barely ever get new fish, so I was thinking I might be able to put it to good use.
If I put some live rock in there, will the copepods and such propegate better with nothing there to eat them? It's a bare-bottomed tank as it's a QT, so will that make a difference for them? I can throw some crushed coral in the bottom if it will be better for them, but I don't have any live sand.
What's everyone think? Cheap and easy way to let pods multiply so maybe i can keep a mandarin someday in a year or two?


All you really need is a 10 gallon tank, some chaetomorpha macro algae, and a 1 inch layer of sand (better) or crushed coral 1/2 inch. If you can add some pods to that then they will have a good home. The chaeto provides all the hiding/breeding place pods will need.


My ex gf just QTd her fish at my urging because of a bad ich outbreak. Her main tank has been empty of fish for about 3 weeks now and she told me it is just crawling with pods now that the fish are gone. It might take a little longer than three weeks but I am sure a 10 gallon would have the same results. No wait, have you treated the QT with copper in the past? If so, it probable would not work.


Nope, no copper treatment for mine!
Thomas, how do i get the macro algae? I guess that's what they eat?


Active Member
will a 10 gallon provide enough food for a mandarin in a 29 gallon tank? i was actualy wondering the same thing,jsut havent posted... and what about if i had other thigns in it? i have a 10 gallon freshwater with an oscar, and im worried she will outgrow the tank... my friend said he would tank her if she does, and i wanted to make a small nano with a fish or two and some soft corals... could i be able to grow enough pods in there to supply one as long as it is established?



Originally posted by xnikki118x
Thomas, how do i get the macro algae? I guess that's what they eat?

Don't know that they eat it, but they sure love living in it. I must have about 5 gallons of the suff at all times in my 55 gallon fuge. you can see the tiny immature pods crawling along the green highways of intertwinded chaeto. They should eat detritus and any uneaten food that hits the fuge.
Got mine from Florida from a member here, but first it was sent on a sight seeing tour of New Mexico, then to me.


Thanks for all the info, guys. Project will be underway soon!! :D