Dumb reef questions part II


Active Member
Hey all, here's the second batch....
#1 - For my clean up crew, I was thinking 3-4 emerald crabs, 8 scarlet hermits, and 12-15 bluelegs. For shrimp, I'd like to have two cleaners and possibly a fire/blood. Also one serpent star Sound ok? Too many, not enough?
#2 I like starfish and I've read blue linkia's can sometimes be a a toublesome species to keep. Any other beginner stars other than serpents/brittles?
#3 I've been thinking of maybe doing a small refugium (5 or 10gal.) Would this even be worth it? If it would be, would you please describe and/or show pics of yours?
#4 What is the desired specific gravity level? For aggressive tanks, I usually do a 1.024-1.025, but think that might be a little high for a reef?
I'm sure I'll have some more soon. When I think of them, I'll ask. Thanks. Bo


Active Member
I know nothing of your other questions but 1.024 is really the limit for reefs, anywhere 1.021-1.024 is good.


you need to post size of tank, inhabitants, etc. before anyone can really tell you much


Active Member
It's a 20g as stated in my initial post. Don't have anything in the tank now. Setting it up for cycle sometime this week. I thought reef tanks needed a lower specific gravity. Thanks. Bo


Active Member
Redcorsair, I've read the exact opposite. I've always read sally's were aggressive (much like cbs) and the blue legged hermits were more peaceful :confused: . Bo


As a read in a eairler post, someone had a sally light foot, and while young, was peacful and ate alge, but when they mature, they become meat eaters, and go after your livestock.
This is what i heard, so correct me if im wrong.


Active Member
I set up a 6gal above tank refugium for my 46 bowfront (I would have liked to have gone bigger but was unable to for several reasons). I thought it might not be worth it but, my nitrates went to 0 and it has tons of macro growing in it and tons of pods all over the place. I used an eclipse acrylic tank, I was able to drill holes in the back and put bulkhead fittings in it that way I didn't have to use an overflow.


for your starfish question i would have to say a chocolate chip. Super Duper Hardy and easy to keep. Mine is pretty cool.


As was stated, everyone has different experiences.
I have blue legs in my tank, and they are not aggressive at all. They are much more active than my scarlets and do a better cleaning job.
Definitely go with some cleaner shrimp. They're cool critters to watch!
Someone may correct me here, but I think 3-4 emeralds might be too many...


#1. For a clean-up crew, I would go with 10-12 hermits(I like blue legs and zebras, mix as you like), and some snails. In a 20gal., I would put about a half doz. astreas and a turbo snail. I don't know about emeralds, but 3 in a 20gal. seems crowded. Snails do better for me on algae control.
#2.Don't know. I only have brittles, but I have heard chocolate chip are not reef safe.
#3.If you have been thinking of a refugium, then do it. Add some macro, ls, and lr. Will help with nitrate control. It has definately helped mine.
#4. I'd go with a s.g. at 1.024. Corals and inverts do better.


Active Member
Lots of reefs, lots of answers....I go hermitless in my 55 gal reef, keep a dsb, nassarius, cerith and turbo, astrea, margarita snails. I have 2 cleaner shrimp and one fire shrimp which I now suspect of eating my star polyps. I would only do 1 emerald and 1 sally light foot in your size aquarium. At 20 gal, I'd start slow on the crew, a couple snails at a time. I starved about 6 turbos when I first started, add as needed to contol algae. I keep at 1.024 - 25 also. I wouldn't put a starfish in a reef unless it was a serpent star. Refugium would be good. JME/O Good luck and ultimately it's like Broomer says "your tank, your choice":)


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Couldn't believe that I got all the way to the bottom before someone mentioned snails. Definately need snails in the cleanup crew. I'd also cut back to 1 emerals crab.
I have a couple of red stars that I got from my LFS. They called them red plated stars. Not sure if that is the correct name or not, but they have been pretty hardy. Plus they stay on the small side.
I would setup the refugium if for no other purpose than to give pods, and such a place to multiply.
I keep the salinity about 1.025 and everyone seems happy.
As far as the sally lightfoot they can be hit and miss as to whether they will attack your livestock. Same goes for an emerald crab. I have had different experiences with both types. You just have to keep an eye on them.


If you are starting a reef definitely don't get a chocalate chip star-they are very hardy, but not for a reef. I have a blue linkia and also heard they were hard to keep but I have had mine for about 8 months now with no problems. The only thing is they don't move around a lot,sometimes it will be in the same general spot for days. I also have had good luck with my big red star(don't know the name but it is probably 5 inches and doesn't harm any corals) I keep my sg at 1.023 and all are happy!:)


Active Member
grouper- in my 20 i have 1 cleaner shrimp- 5 emeralds- 10 asteras and 2 banded trochus snails- i think 8 scarlets AND 10 bluelegs is a little too much with my samll cleanup crew i find that i often feed them b/c the clean up too well-
A sump/ fuge is well worth it- 1 keep my sg at 24-25 the inverts and corals should have at least 23 so this level is just fine=HTH


Active Member
also i wouldnt do any stars in a 20- no linckias (they need a lot of LR to graze) and the others are predatory- now- a brittle star likr the banded brittle would be fine- just make sure it gets food- i wouldnt do a sally- i have heard too many mixed results especially them eating small fish- which is what you would put in a 20


Active Member
Thanks for all the info guys. I'm going to get the tank started on the cycle sometime this week, and I'll give yall updates from there. Bo