Dumb test questions


I need someone to help solve am arguement my husband and I have been having.
1. When testing the water do we take it out of the display or the sump?
2. Do we go halfway down into the water to get the sample or take off the top of the water?
3. I have learned that using a turkey baster makes it easy to add the water to the test tube without pour more/less is this safe as long as I dont use this one to feed the tank?
4. Are different manafacturs tests depond on what type of salt mix you are using? (can one test be off due to the type of salt mix)
5. Name of a good test kit?
6. We are running a reef tank and cycling for a FOWLR and Sand, do we need seperate kits?
7. Do I need to use one set of test tubes for each tank?
8. Does it hurt the tube to leave the tested water in it overnight?
9. Does everyone elses nitrate test tube leak when shaking?(API test kit)
10. How often should you test? weekly? daily? We are running a neptune so we monitar ph 24/7
I think thats is it for now. Thanks in advance for helping us out.


Active Member
1. When testing the water do we take it out of the display or the sump?It shouldn't make a difference where you pull it from.
2. Do we go halfway down into the water to get the sample or take off the top of the water?
I don't think this matters either provided there is enough flow in your tank

3. I have learned that using a turkey baster makes it easy to add the water to the test tube without pour more/less is this safe as long as I dont use this one to feed the tank?
Yes, a lot of people use droppers too. Probably easier to control then a baster

4. Are different manafacturs tests depond on what type of salt mix you are using? (can one test be off due to the type of salt mix)
Some of the things we test for are contained in the salt(like Calcium). The kit shouldn't be 'off' though because of the salt you use

5. Name of a good test kit?
Salifert, Elos, Sera, for the non ridiculously expensive ones

6. We are running a reef tank and cycling for a FOWLR and Sand, do we need seperate kits?
No, but a reef is more dependant on things like Calcium and Magnesium that don't necessarily have much impact on a FOWLR

7. Do I need to use one set of test tubes for each tank?
You should rinse them out before and after every use and 1 set of tubes is fine

8. Does it hurt the tube to leave the tested water in it overnight?
Supposedly, to be safe I always rinse it

9. Does everyone elses nitrate test tube leak when shaking?(API test kit)
Mine does, but I stopped using API due to inaccurate results

10. How often should you test? weekly? daily? We are running a neptune so we monitar ph 24/7
In an established tank, pH tests are probably all you need. One of the other chemicals being off should cause a swing in pH. If you plan on dosing your tank for anything though, you should also test anything you plan on dosing


thank you for the answers, I was thinking I needed a better test kit but didnt know what brands were good so that helps alot.


Active Member
My Answers
1. Display
2. Top
3. True
4. Not Sure..
5. API
6. No
7. No
8. Yes
9. Yes (w/ RedSea test kit)
10. weekly