hey marc i remember that!lol but how bout this one a while ago in fact. i was kinda talking to myself and the electrician guy who was replacing their litebulbs overherd
ME that volitan lion looks really cool i wonder if they would kill any of my fish
ELECTRICIAN GUY no they r very peeceful. they wouldnt attack anything but a feeder that was much smaller than them
ME o reall? arent they venomeous tough?
ELECTRICAIN ye kinda but if you took ur thumb and jammed it onto one of its spines, the worst u would get was a little bee sting, thats it, its not really VENEMOUS
then all the sudden the lfs guy comes strolin by and...
ME how about that volitan lion?
LFS GUY well those r quite agressive, and will atack any fish that swims by it in a way that it sees as aggresive. it may kill every fish in ur tank, depending on wat kind. they r really venemous so i wouldnt touch it anywhere.
I was just like, uhhhhhh ok, who do i beleive?
another time......same lfs, much later, new lfs guy
me and my frends were jsut lookin at all the saltwater fish, mostly agresive and live feeders, when the lfs guy comes over with sum feeder gupies. he throws sum in for the harlequin tusks, then the lion. then, of course to show off, he puts his hand in the lion tank, while its hunting, and then pets the LION! wat an idiot. first of all, he could have damaged the stress coat, and coulda got stung. i wanted to smak him he was so stupid!