Dumbest ? Ever!


Okay, this is probably stupid, so as soon as I type this I'm going into hiding! :D I had a friend over the other night and he said my overflow box was nasty and I needed to clean it. Is this true? Are you supposed to clean them? I've seen some nastier than mine, so is this just a matter of personal choice or is it something I really need to do? Okay, I'm going to go run and hide now!

nm reef

Active Member
Not a stupid question at all....I think they need to be cleaned...especially if there is much algae building up. Any restriction to the flow rate may result in a flood from the display....I routinely clean my out.


Oh, man! I was hoping you wouldn't say that. Getting the siphon started is not exactly my idea of Saturday night entertainment! :scared:


Active Member

Originally posted by Dory36
Getting the siphon started is not exactly my idea of Saturday night entertainment!

That's why I like my small tank with HoB type equipment! :D


Why would you say that starting the siphon is such a pain?
It's really easy with apiece of 1/4 inch airline hose. Stick it in all the way to the top of the curve, drop it in the boxes, suck out the air, and remove the airline hose.
I'm sorry if I'm telling you something you already know. Just wouldn't want anyone to get a mouthful of seawater.
I used to surf, so I've had plenty of seawater beverages:D


something i do to keep the cleaning down in the overflow is put a small snail in it he will go back and forth .
in the siphon tub so make shure he is small enough to do so. with this setup i havent had to clean mine for six months. just every now and then i have to change snails cause they get to big:joy:


New Member
Now tha'ts a great idea!
Does the snail just stay in there happily? Im just wondering why he wouldn't just crawl out into the tank.


Hey....I like that snail idea! I have plenty of those!
Thanks for the advice, Doboy. I know all about using the 1/4 airline tubing and it's still a pain!


another thing with the overflow tube is when you get large bubbles in them but watter is still flowing take a large cup of aquirum water and quickily pour it into the tank side of the overflow. this will force the air out of the over flow.


Why can't you lower the tube into the water til it fills up (with water) and then hold your thumb on the end of the tube til you lower it to wherever you're draining to? No sucking. Or is this what you're already describing? Maybe I'm not understanding cause I don't think I know what an overflow box is.