Dumbest thing you dropped in your tank?



A nitrate test kit with chemicals in the water! And a nice led rechargeable flashlight that i used to night spot my tank with. That was pretty upsetting, it was a really nice one, nice blue light rather thana bright white light.
well when I was first setting up my tank I was getting into the grove of mixing and adding salt water 5 gallons at a time... I was in the grove for a while and my arm started to get tired and I had about 15 more gallons left to add, and I had a cocacola on the side of my tank and for some reason I took a sip and pored it into the tank... keep in mind I was filling the tank at like 3am :)... I was so pissed had to start over. but funny story!


Active Member
Got home really late one night to see bubbles in the tank...So I filled it up and then thought my sump would be a great place to set my keys before bed. Lets just say I couldn't find my keys for a while. Luckily I had an extra FOB and car key.


only thing i dropped in was an empty test tube...doesnt sound too bad except you cant see them. took me a few minutes to find. asi said not terrible but i got PO'ed because i dropped it in there in the first place


Several years ago, my brother was staying with me over summer break He was 12 at the time. I lived a few blocks from the inlet here in Ft. Pierce, and left him to go fishing, etc. while I was at work. I came home to find a 32 inch, 12 pound snook in my 75 reef tank. I had 4 tanks running at the time, and he chose the reef tank because it was the only one big enough for the snook! Luckily the snook did not wreck my corals too badly, but the issue of how to remove him without doing more damage was at hand. Snook are large, powerful fish! (Google "snook") So I removed the hood, and decided to try to grab the snook by the lip with pliers. The first try resulted in the snook thrashing wildly, breaking my prized plate coral and a few branches of an elkhorn. The second try worked better and in one motion I snatched the fish from the tank and flung him 15 feet into the kitchen. As punishment, I had my little bro fillet the snook.....He was delicious, and talk about fresh! I also dropped my CFL fixture, while on, into my fuge.